This example shows you how to:


Run the example

  1. Run the crud-customer.php file:

    php crud-customer.php
  2. Observe the terminal output.

    Information is echoed for each customer API function executed:

    Created inactive customer ID 10066
    Updated customer ID 10066 to active
    Read customer ID 10066
    Deleted customer ID 10066
    Process finished with exit code 0
  3. Open the generated logs/intacct.html file in your browser and review the entries.

    The file provides info and debug entries. The SDK provides a debug entry for each HTTP request/response (with the Sage Intacct endpoint).

    Note that the log file was created by the logger set in the client config.

Extra credit

Get a customer by name

  1. Execute a ReadByName function (instead of Read):

    $readByName = new ReadByName();
    $response = $client->execute($readByName);
    echo "Read customer ID $customerId using ReadByName" .  PHP_EOL;

Try a different object

  1. Try a different object’s CRUD functions from the Intacct\Functions\ namespace.

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