This release went live on the evening of November 10, 2023.

Accounts Payable

Recall bills

Starting with the 2023 R4 release, submitted AP bills can be recalled using a new recallApBill function. This new function provides a more flexible approval workflow for bills. Now when a bill is submitted and not yet approved or declined, if changes are required due to an error or new information, you can recall the bill, make the necessary updates, and then re-submit the bill.

To successfully recall a bill:

  • The bill must be in Submitted state.
  • The user must have Edit permission for the bill.

When a bill is successfully recalled:

  • The bill’s state changes from Submitted to Draft.
  • The bill is removed from the Approval History table in the Sage Intacct UI.
  • Approvers are notified via email that the bill has been recalled.
  • Because the recalled bill is in Draft state, any users with edit permissions can update and resubmit the bill.

Note that there are no restrictions on the number of times a bill in Submitted state can be recalled. To learn more about the new recallApBill function, see Recall Bill.

Vendor approvals

Vendor approvals can now be managed using the XML API. Vendor approval adds controls to your vendor creation and update workflow, requiring approval before new and updated vendors can be used in Accounts Payable and Purchasing transactions.

When vendor approval is enabled, existing vendors are automatically approved. From that point on, new and edited vendors are submitted to the Approve Vendor queue after they are created or revised. Designated approvers review the vendor records and either approve or decline them.

The read-only STATE field in the VENDOR object shows the approval state of the vendor. Possible values are:

  • S - Submitted
  • A - Approved
  • R - Rejected/Declined

Several new functions have been added to the XML API to support vendor approvals, including: getVendorsToApprove, approveVendor, declineVendor, and getVendorApprovalHistory. After setting up vendor approval, you can use these new functions to manage approvals. For more information, see Vendor Approvals.

The new getVendorApprovalHistory function returns data about each approval for a specific vendor. That data includes information such as the date that the vendor was approved, whether the vendor is new or was updated, who created or updated the vendor, and who approved the vendor.

For more information about vendor approvals, see these topics in the Sage Intacct Help Center:

Error message generated when applied credits fail

In previous releases, credits used to pay bills were not applied when:

  • A multi-entity company was configured to: Limit AP credits to the entity owners.
  • The location ID for a credit and the location ID for a bill did not match.

For example, if a credit existed with the LOCATIONID set to San Diego and you attempted to pay two outstanding bill items with that single credit, one with the LOCATIONID set to San Diego and the other with the LOCATIONID set to Atlanta, only the bill item with the San Diego location was paid. And, no error was generated to notify you that the other bill item was not paid.

Now in these scenarios, if location IDs do not match, an error message is generated to notify you that: Payments include one or more credits that are restricted to a different location.

Accounts Receivable

Sage Intacct to change value of state field for existing AR payments

To support an upcoming Accounts Receivable enhancement, Sage Intacct plans to update the STATE field for existing ARPYMT and legacy ARPAYMENT objects with record types of ro (applied AR overpayment) and rp (overpayment). In early 2024, Sage Intacct will change the STATE field for existing ARPYMT and legacy ARPAYMENT objects from a null value to a value of C. The new C value indicates that these existing AR payments are confirmed.


Global transaction security setup

A new AFRSETUP object lets you configure Global Transaction Security, which can be set to prevent users from editing, deleting, or reclassifying transactions posted to the General Ledger. Companies with multiple entities can configure this security at the entity level.

For more information see:


Run consolidations in companies that are multi-tiered or have entities that are partially owned

Beginning with the 2023 R4 release, you can use new ownership structure objects and ownership structure entity objects. The new objects enable companies with multi-tiers or those that are partially owned entities (or both) to run consolidations that reflect the complexity of their companies.

Let’s say that you purchase or sell an entity during a specific period. You can edit your ownership structure to reflect this change. For example, you can include a new entity purchased in February of 2020 in its relevant ownership structure. Consolidations will then include the new entity as of February 2020.

After defining an ownership structure, you can run consolidations for the ownership structure per period. For each consolidation, you can specify a reporting period. Then, you can convert the base currencies used by different entities into a designated base currency for the consolidated data. To learn more about ownership structures, see Ownership Structure workflow.

For more information, see:


Recognize sales revenue on contract line invoice

A new field in the contractdetail object allows you to control whether revenue recognition for a contract line is deferred or recognized when the line is posted. When the REV_REC_ON_INVOICE field is set to true, Intacct automatically assigns the “Recognize on revenue” revenue template to both revenue journals. This template indicates there’s no revenue schedule or requirement for the user to post revenue separately.

Later when the contract line is invoiced, Intacct automatically posts the revenue. The contract line’s journal balances will only display unbilled, billed, and paid values for sales revenue and Accounts Receivable.

General Ledger

Option to include period balance details in account balances

You can use the new showperiodbalancedetail option in get_accountbalancesbydimensions requests to obtain details as well as balances. Details in the response include bifurcation of credit, debit, adj-credit, and adj-debit values. The sum of the periodbalancedetail amounts will equal the periodbalance amount.


Identify if a kit is enabled for a contract in Items

A kit item is associated with two or more kit component items. Kit component items are the individual products or services that could be sold alone or included in product bundles.

In 2023 R2, we added an enhancement. You can identify when kits are enabled for contracts using the CONTRACTENABLED field for Items. This field is only available for items with the ITEMTYPE field set to kit. When set to true, the item must adhere to restrictions for the kit.

In addition, the ITEMID field in Contract Lines now includes contract-enabled kit items.

For more information, see:


3rd row in addresses

All objects that contain mailing addresses now have an optional address3 field to contain a 3rd row of address information when needed. Affected objects are:


Purchasing and Order Entry transactions (Construction only)

New fields show taxable amounts after deduction of retainage

For Construction customers using a VAT or GST tax solution, two new read-only fields in the PODOCUMENTENTRY and SODOCUMENTENTRY objects show taxable amounts after deduction of any retainage held for a Construction contract. The new read-only fields are:

  • EXTENDEDPRICENETRETAINAGE - Shows the taxable amount after deduction of retainage held: TRX_VALUE - TRX_AMOUNTRETAINED.
  • EXTENDEDBASEPRICENETRETAINAGE - Shows the base taxable amount after deduction of retainage held: UIVALUE - AMOUNTRETAINED.

For more information about Construction contracts and retainage, see these topics in the Sage Intacct Help Center:

Lien waiver option is now available in Vendor Compliance

In the previous release, we introduced the Vendor Compliance feature, which allows you to define compliance requirements and types for your vendors. We enhanced the feature and added a lien waiver category to compliance definitions. This enhancement impacts the following objects.

NOTE: To enable the Vendor Compliance subscription, first enable Accounts Payable, Purchasing, and Construction. Vendor compliance is available only for Construction at this time.

Vendor Compliance Definitions

We added three new fields:

  • GENERATEFOREACH - Indicates whether to generate rules for AP Bill or AP payment. Applies only when CATEGORY is Lien waiver. If CATEGORY is set to Lien waiver, then a value must be supplied in GENERATEFOREACH.
  • MINLIENWWAIVERAMOUNT - Indicates the minimum amount required for a lien waiver to generate. Applies only when CATEGORY is Lien waiver.
  • MINPRIMARYDOCAMOUNT - Indicates the minimum amount required for a primary document to generate. Applies only when CATEGORY is Lien waiver.

We made the following changes to the existing Vendor Compliance Definition fields:

  • CATEGORY - Lien waiver is now an option.
  • TRACKBY - PrimaryDoc is now an option when CATEGORY is Lien waiver.
  • VALIDATIONRULE - Document received is now an option when CATEGORY is Lien waiver.
  • GENERATERULE - Now in use to indicate whether to automatically generate compliance records and how to do so when they are generated.
  • COMPDEFENTRIES - Now in use. Options are:
    • VENDTYPENAME - The vendor type name to use when TRACKBY is set to Vendor.
    • DOCPARID The transaction definition to use when TRACKBYis set to Lien waiver.

The create and update functions include the new fields and new values for existing fields. The delete function is not affected by the Vendor Compliance Definition updates.

The read, readbyname, query, readbyquery, and lookup responses now include the new fields and new values for existing fields.

Vendor Compliance Types

We added two new fields:

  • COMPLIANCETEMPLATE - Used when the compliance category is Lien waiver. The document template for printing compliance records.
  • FINALCOMPLIANCETEMPLATE - Used when the compliance category is Lien waiver. The document template for printing final compliance records.

The create, update, and delete functions are not affected by the Vendor Compliance Type updates.

The read, readbyname, query, readbyquery, and lookup responses now include the new fields.

Vendor Compliance Records

We added 38 new fields:

NOTE: Only FINALCOMPLIANCE and SENDTOCONTACTNAME have user-supplied values. The rest of the new fields are read-only.

  • VENDORNAME - The vendor name related to the compliance record.
  • DOCPARID - The ID to relate this record to Purchasing.
  • PRIMARYDOCKEY - The primary document key that relates the record to the Vendor Compliance Definition via TRACKBY if CATEGORY is Lien waiver.
  • PRIMARYDOCID - The primary document ID that relates the record to the Vendor Compliance Definition via TRACKBY if CATEGORY is Lien waiver.
  • APBILLNO - The APBILL number to associate to a record. Note that Lien waivers are voided automatically if an AP bill is deleted.
  • APBILLKEY - The APBILL key to associate the record to a bill.
  • APPAYMENTKEY - The APPAYMENT key to associate the record to a payment.
  • COMPLIANCETEMPLATE - The printed document template used for this record if CATEGORY is Lien waiver. Records created from the compliance type are prefilled with the selected templates.
  • FINALCOMPLIANCETEMPLATE - The FINALCOMPLIANCETEMPLATE selected in Vendor Compliance Types if CATEGORY is Lien waiver.
  • VOIDED - Boolean to indicate whether the record is void. Options are true or false (default).
  • FINALCOMPLIANCE - Boolean to indicate whether the compliance record is finalized. Options are true orfalse (default).
  • SENDTOCONTACTKEY - The key that relates the record to the contact recipient of the docs.
  • SENDTOCONTACTNAME - The contact name associated with the record and related to SENDTOCONTACTKEY.
  • RECEIVEDBYNAME - The name of the employee who received the compliance record.


  • EMAIL1- The primary email address to send compliance-related lien waiver correspondence to.
  • EMAIL2 - The secondary email address to send compliance-related lien waiver correspondence to.
  • FIRSTNAME- The first name of the contact to send compliance-related lien waver correspondence to.
  • LASTNAME - The last name of the contact to send compliance-related lien waver correspondence to.
  • CONTACTNAME - The contact name.
  • PREFIX - The prefix to use for the contact.
  • INITIAL - The contact name middle initial.
  • COMPANYNAME - The company name to use for the contact.
  • PRINTAS - Print as.
  • PHONE1 - Primary phone number to use for the contact.
  • PHONE2 - Secondary phone number to use for the contact.
  • CELLPHONE - Cellular phone number to use for the contact.
  • PAGER - Pager number to use for the contact.
  • FAX - Fax number to use for the contact.
  • URL1 - The primary URL to use for the contact.
  • URL2 - The secondary URL to use for the contact.
  • VISIBLE - Indicates whether the contact mailing and email information are visible.


  • ADDRESS1 - Address line 1 of the contact.
  • ADDRESS2 - Address line 2 of the contact.
  • CITY - City of the contact.
  • STATE - State of the contact.
  • ZIP - Zip/postal code of the contact.
  • COUNTRY - Country of the contact.
  • COUNTRYCODE - Country code of the contact.

We also made the following changes to existing Vendor Compliance Record fields:

  • CATEGORY - Lien waiver can now be returned as an option.

The delete function is not affected by the Vendor Compliance Record updates.

The create function returns an error if fields applicable to lien waivers have values when CATEGORY is not Lien waiver.

The update function returns an error if fields applicable to lien waivers have values when CATEGORY is not Lien waiver. The call can optionally contain FINALCOMPLIANCE and SENDTOCONTACTNAME.

The read, readbyname, query, readbyquery, and lookup responses now include the new fields and new values for existing fields.

For more information, see:

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