An AP bill is a transaction that tracks money owed to a vendor.

Certain types of transaction definitions in Purchasing (e.g. Vendor Invoice) are configured to create corresponding bills in the Accounts Payable module. When a transaction is updated in Purchasing, the related AP transaction is deleted and recreated. As a result, the AP transaction will have a new RECORDNO. Integrations relying on these records should consider using a MODULEKEY filter outlined below.


Get Bill Object Definition


List all the fields and relationships for the AP bill object:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use APBILL

Query and List Bills


List the record number and vendor ID for each bill where the vendor name starts with the letter B:


List bills from the given vendor that are available for payment:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use APBILL
filter Optional object Filter expression to limit the response to only objects that match the expression. Check the value of a single field using operators such as equalto/like, or multiple fields using and/or. Query fields on related objects using the dot operator (for example, VENDOR.CREDITLIMIT on APBILL).
select Required sequence The names of the fields that you want included in the response, and an optional aggregate function such as count or sum. Returning all fields is not supported.
orderby Optional object Provide an order element with a field name and choose an ascending or descending sort order, for example:
options Optional object Query options:
  • Set the caseinsensitive element to true for a case-insensitive query
  • In a multi-entity company, set the showprivate element to true to query data in private entities:
  • Specify the returnformat for the response: xml (default), json, or csv
pagesize Optional integer Maximum number of matching objects to return in the response, between 1 and 2000 items (Default: 100)
offset Optional integer Point at which to start indexing into records (Default: 0)

Query and List Bills (Legacy)


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use APBILL
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
query Required string SQL-like query based on fields on the object. The following operators are supported: <, >, >=, <=, =, like, not like, in, not in, IS NOT NULL, IS NULL, AND, OR. Illegal XML characters must be properly encoded, and single quotes must be escaped with backslashes ('Jane\'s Deli'). Joins are not supported.
pagesize Optional integer Custom page size between 1 and 1000 items (Default: 100)

query Fields

Name Required Type Description
MODULEKEY Optional string Source module transaction created from.
  • 3.AP - Accounts Payable
  • 9.PO - Purchasing
STATE Optional string State of the bill.
  • D - Draft
  • PA - Partially Approved
  • S - Submitted
  • U - Declined
  • A - Posted

Get Bill


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use APBILL
keys Required string Comma-separated list of bill RECORDNO to get
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Create Bill

Release Changes
2022 Release 1 Changed required fields when Action==Draft
2021 Release 2 Added PARTIALEXEMPT
2019 Release 4 Added TASKID
2019 Release 3 Added TAXENTRIES

Note: Currency (amount) values with more than 2 decimal places will be rounded to 2 decimal places to prevent data issues. Best practice is for your application to round long decimal numbers to 2 decimal places before sending them to Intacct.


Create a bill with one line:

        <DOCNUMBER>Ref 5678</DOCNUMBER>
                <ENTRYDESCRIPTION>Line 1 of my bill</ENTRYDESCRIPTION>

Create a bill with a tax entry on one line and have the system calculate the total transaction amount and transaction tax (AU, GB, ZA only):

        <EXCH_RATE_TYPE_ID>Intacct Daily Rate</EXCH_RATE_TYPE_ID>
                        <DETAILID>UK Import Goods Standard Rate</DETAILID>
Name Required Type Description
APBILL Required object Object to create


Name Required Type Description
VENDORID Optional string Vendor ID. Required if Action is not set to Draft.
WHENCREATED Optional string Transaction date in format mm/dd/yyyy. Required if Action is not set to Draft.
WHENPOSTED Optional string GL posting date in format mm/dd/yyyy. Not used if PRBATCH provided.
BILLTOPAYTOCONTACTNAME Optional string Pay to contact
SHIPTORETURNTOCONTACTNAME Optional string Return to contact
RECORDID Optional string Bill number
DOCNUMBER Optional string Reference number
DESCRIPTION Optional string Description
TERMNAME Optional string Payment term
RECPAYMENTDATE Optional string Recommended to pay on date in format mm/dd/yyyy
SUPDOCID Optional string Attachments ID
WHENDUE Optional string Due date in format mm/dd/yyyy. Required if Action is not set to Draft.
PAYMENTPRIORITY Optional string Payment priority.
  • urgent
  • high
  • normal (default)
  • low
ONHOLD Optional boolean On hold.
  • false - No (detault)
  • true - Yes
PRBATCH Optional string Summary name to post into. Required if bill summary option is set to user specified in AP config.
CURRENCY Optional string Transaction currency code
BASECURR Optional string Base currency code
EXCH_RATE_DATE Optional string Exchange rate date in format mm/dd/yyyy
EXCH_RATE_TYPE_ID Optional string Exchange rate type. Do not use if EXCHANGE_RATE is set. (Leave blank to use Intacct Daily Rate)
EXCHANGE_RATE Optional currency Exchange rate value. Do not use if EXCH_RATE_TYPE_ID is set.
INCLUSIVETAX Optional boolean Inclusive taxes. Set to true to have the system calculate the transaction amount (TRX_AMOUNT) for the bill line and the transaction tax (TRX_TAX) for the tax entry based on the value supplied for TOTALTRXAMOUNT on the bill line and the tax rate of the tax detail (DETAILID) for the tax entry. (AU, GB, ZA only)
ACTION Optional string Action to execute on create.
  • Submit (default)
  • Draft
TAXSOLUTIONID Optional string Tax solution name, such as United Kingdom - VAT or Australia - GST. Required only if the company is configured for multiple tax jurisdictions and the transaction is occurring at the top level of the company. See Tax Solutions for more information. (GB, AU, and ZA only)
APBILLITEMS Required array of APBILLITEM Bill lines, must have at least 1.
Custom field name varies varies Custom field names and values as defined for this object.
For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


Name Required Type Description
ACCOUNTNO Optional string GL account number. Required if not using ACCOUNTLABEL.
ACCOUNTLABEL Optional string AP account label. Required if not using ACCOUNTNO.
OFFSETGLACCOUNTNO Optional string AP account number
TRX_AMOUNT Optional currency Transaction amount before taxes. This value is required if INCLUSIVETAX is set to false (or omitted) on the header. (This value will be ignored as an input if INCLUSIVETAX is true because the value will be calculated for you.)
TOTALTRXAMOUNT Optional currency Transaction amount for the line including taxes, which is required if INCLUSIVETAX is set to true on the header. The system uses the value you provide here and the tax rate of the tax detail (DETAILID) for the tax entry to calculate the transaction amount (TRX_AMOUNT) for the line and transaction tax (TRX_TAX) for the tax entry. (AU, GB, ZA only)
ENTRYDESCRIPTION Optional string Memo
FORM1099 Optional boolean Form 1099. Vendor must be set up for 1099s.
  • false - No
  • true - Yes
FORM1099TYPE Optional string Form 1099 type
FORM1099BOX Optional string Form 1099 box
BILLABLE Optional boolean Billable.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
ALLOCATION Optional string Allocation ID
LOCATIONID Optional string LOCATIONID of an active location. Required if company is multi-entity enabled.
DEPARTMENTID Optional string Department ID
PROJECTID Optional string Project ID
TASKID Optional string Task ID. Only valid when the parent PROJECTID is also specified.
COSTTYPEID Optional string Cost type ID. Only valid when PROJECTID and TASKID are specified. (Construction subscription)
CUSTOMERID Optional string Customer ID
VENDORID Optional string Vendor ID
EMPLOYEEID Optional string Employee ID
ITEMID Optional string Item ID
CLASSID Optional string Class ID
CONTRACTID Optional string Contract ID
WAREHOUSEID Optional string Warehouse ID
GLDIM* Optional integer User defined dimension id field. UDD object integration name usually appended to GLDIM
PARTIALEXEMPT Optional boolean Enables partial exemption so that you can reclaim a portion of your input VAT on purchases. (GB only)
  • false - No (detault)
  • true - Yes
TAXENTRIES Optional array of TAXENTRY Tax entries for the line. Providing multiple entries is allowed if your tax solution supports it (AU and GB only). For ZA, only one tax entry is allowed.
Custom field name varies varies Custom field names and values as defined for this object.
For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


Specifies a tax rate (defined in the system) for the bill line.

Name Required Type Description
DETAILID Required string Unique ID of a tax detail with the tax rate to use
TRX_TAX Optional currency Transaction tax, which is your manually calculated value for the tax. The amount of the tax line is automatically included in the amount due (TOTAL_DUE) for the bill. Providing a value here overrides any calculated values.

Create Bill (Legacy)

Release Changes
2021 Release 2 Added partialexempt
2021 Release 1 Added inclusivetax, taxsolutionid, totaltrxamount, taxentries
2020 Release 2 Added costtypeid
2019 Release 4 Added taskid

Note: Currency (amount) values with more than 2 decimal places will be rounded to 2 decimal places to prevent data issues. Best practice is for your application to round long decimal numbers to 2 decimal places before sending them to Intacct.


Create a bill:

    <description>Some description</description>
    <exchratetype>Intacct Daily Rate</exchratetype>
            <memo>Just another memo</memo>

Use inclusive tax so that the system calculates the transaction amount (trx_amount) for the bill line and the transaction tax (trx_tax) for the tax entry based on the value supplied for totaltrxamount on the bill line and the tax rate of the tax detail (detailid) for the tax entry. (AU, GB, ZA only).

    <vendorid>1099 Int</vendorid>
    <description>Bill from 2.1 API with vat amount</description>
    <exchratetype>Intacct Daily Rate</exchratetype>
    <taxsolutionid>Australia - GST</taxsolutionid>
            <memo>line 1 with tax</memo>
                    <detailid>G10 Capital Acquisition</detailid>
            <memo>line2 with multitax</memo>
                    <detailid>G13 Capital Purchases for Input Tax Sales</detailid>
                    <detailid>G11 Other Acquisition</detailid>


Name Required Type Description
vendorid Required string Vendor ID
datecreated Required object Transaction date
dateposted Optional object GL posting date
datedue Optional object Due date. Required if not using termname.
termname Optional string Payment term. Required if not using datedue.
action Optional string Action to execute on create.
  • Submit (default)
  • Draft
batchkey Optional integer Summary record number
billno Optional string Bill number
ponumber Optional string Reference number
onhold Optional boolean On hold.
  • false - No (detault)
  • true - Yes
description Optional string Description
externalid Optional string External ID
payto Optional object Pay to contact
returnto Optional object Return to contact
basecurr Optional string Base currency code
currency Optional string Transaction currency code
exchratedate Optional object Exchange rate date.
exchratetype Optional string Exchange rate type. Do not use if exchrate is set. (Leave blank to use Intacct Daily Rate)
exchrate Optional currency Exchange rate value. Do not use if exchangeratetype is set.
nogl Optional boolean Do not post to GL.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
supdocid Optional string Attachments ID
customfields Optional array of customfield Custom fields
billitems Required array of lineitem Bill lines, must have at least 1.
inclusivetax Optional boolean Inclusive taxes. Set to true to have the system calculate the transaction amount (trx_amount) for the bill line and the transaction tax (trx_tax) for the tax entry based on the value supplied for totaltrxamount on the bill line and the tax rate of the tax detail (detailid) for the tax entry. (AU, GB, ZA only)
taxsolutionid Optional string Tax solution name, such as United Kingdom - VAT or Australia - GST. Required only if the company is configured for multiple tax jurisdictions and the transaction is occurring at the top level of the company. See Tax Solutions for more information. (GB, AU, and ZA only)


Name Required Type Description
year Required string Year yyyy
month Required string Month mm
day Required string Day dd


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Pay to contact name


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Return to contact name


Name Required Type Description
customfieldname Optional string Custom field ID
customfieldvalue Optional varies Custom field value. For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


Name Required Type Description
glaccountno Optional string GL account number. Required if not using accountlabel.
accountlabel Optional string AP account label. Required if not using glaccountno.
offsetglaccountno Optional string Offset GL account number
amount Required currency Transaction amount
allocationid Optional string Allocation ID
memo Optional string Memo
locationid Optional string LOCATIONID of an active location. Required if company is multi-entity enabled.
departmentid Optional string Department ID
item1099 Optional boolean Form 1099. Vendor must be set up for 1099s.
  • false - No
  • true - Yes
form1099type Optional string Form 1099 type
form1099box Optional string Form 1099 box
key Optional string Key
totalpaid Optional currency Total paid. Used when nogl on bill is true
totaldue Optional currency Total due. Used when nogl on bill is true
customfields Optional array of customfield Custom fields
projectid Optional string Project ID
taskid Optional string Task ID. Only available when the parent projectid is also specified.
costtypeid Optional string Cost type ID. Only available when projectid and taskid are specified. (Construction subscription)
customerid Optional string Customer ID
vendorid Optional string Vendor ID
employeeid Optional string Employee ID
itemid Optional string Item ID
classid Optional string Class ID
contractid Optional string Contract ID
warehouseid Optional string Warehouse ID
billable Optional boolean Billable.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
totaltrxamount Optional currency Total transaction amount. Required if inclusive tax is set to true.
partialexempt Optional boolean Enables partial exemption so that you can reclaim a portion of your input VAT on purchases. (GB only)
  • false - No (detault)
  • true - Yes
taxentries Optional array of taxentry Tax entries for the line. Required for VAT enabled transactions. Providing multiple entries is allowed if your tax solution supports it (AU and GB only). For ZA, only one tax entry is allowed.


Name Required Type Description
customfieldname Optional string Custom field ID
customfieldvalue Optional varies Custom field value. For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.

create_bill.lineitem.taxentry (AU, GB, ZA only)

Specifies a tax rate (defined in the system) and a manually calculated tax for the other bill line.

Name Required Type Description
detailid Required string Unique ID of a tax detail with the tax rate to use
trx_tax Optional currency Transaction tax, which is a manually calculated value to override the calculated value for the tax. The amount of the tax line is automatically included in the transaction amount (trx_amount).

Update Bill

Release Changes
2021 Release 2 Added PARTIALEXEMPT
2019 Release 4 Added TASKID
2019 Release 3 Added TAXENTRIES

Update header information only:

        <DESCRIPTION>Changing the description</DESCRIPTION>

Update header and a bill line:

        <DESCRIPTION>Changing the description</DESCRIPTION>
                <ENTRYDESCRIPTION>Line 1 of my bill</ENTRYDESCRIPTION>

When updating header information of a bill, you do not need to include all the original bill lines.

You can also modify, add, or delete lines as part of your update. To add a bill line, supply all the original lines along with the new one. To delete a line, supply only the lines that you want to keep. To modify a line, supply all the original lines and change the field values you want.

Note: Currency (amount) values with more than 2 decimal places will be rounded to 2 decimal places to prevent data issues. Best practice is for your application to round long decimal numbers to 2 decimal places before sending them to Intacct.

Name Required Type Description
APBILL Required object Object to update


Name Required Type Description
RECORDNO Required integer Bill RECORDNO to update
WHENCREATED Optional string Transaction date in format mm/dd/yyyy
WHENPOSTED Optional string GL posting date in format mm/dd/yyyy. Not used if PRBATCH provided.
VENDORID Optional string Vendor ID
BILLTOPAYTOCONTACTNAME Optional string Pay to contact
SHIPTORETURNTOCONTACTNAME Optional string Return to contact
RECORDID Optional string Bill number
DOCNUMBER Optional string Reference number
DESCRIPTION Optional string Description
TERMNAME Optional string Payment term
RECPAYMENTDATE Optional string Recommended to pay on date in format mm/dd/yyyy
SUPDOCID Optional string Attachments ID
WHENDUE Required string Due date in format mm/dd/yyyy
PAYMENTPRIORITY Optional string Payment priority.
  • urgent
  • high
  • normal (default)
  • low
ONHOLD Optional boolean On hold.
  • false - No (detault)
  • true - Yes
PRBATCH Optional string Summary name to post into.
CURRENCY Optional string Transaction currency code
BASECURR Optional string Base currency code
EXCH_RATE_DATE Optional string Exchange rate date in format mm/dd/yyyy
EXCH_RATE_TYPE_ID Optional string Exchange rate type. Do not use if EXCHANGE_RATE is set. (Leave blank to use Intacct Daily Rate)
EXCHANGE_RATE Optional currency Exchange rate value. Do not use if EXCH_RATE_TYPE_ID is set.
INCLUSIVETAX Optional boolean Inclusive taxes. Set to true to have the system calculate the transaction amount (TRX_AMOUNT) for the bill line and the transaction tax (TRX_TAX) for the tax entry based on the value supplied for TOTALTRXAMOUNT on the bill line and the tax rate of the tax detail (DETAILID) for the tax entry. (AU, GB, ZA only)
ACTION Optional string Action to execute on update.
  • Submit (default)
  • Draft
APBILLITEMS Optional array of APBILLITEM Bill lines. To add a bill line, supply all the original lines along with the new one. To delete a line, supply only the lines that you want to keep. To modify a line, supply all the original lines and change the field values you want.
Custom field name varies varies Custom field names and values as defined for this object.
For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


(AU, GB, ZA) You must include any existing tax entries in order to retain them. To delete a tax entry, perform an update and omit the TAXENTRIES for the line. To modify a tax entry, provide the record number and the new values.

Name Required Type Description
LINE_NO Optional integer Line number to update otherwise leave blank to add a new line.
ACCOUNTNO Optional string GL account number. Required if not using ACCOUNTLABEL.
ACCOUNTLABEL Optional string AP account label. Required if not using ACCOUNTNO.
OFFSETGLACCOUNTNO Optional string AP account number
TRX_AMOUNT Optional currency Transaction amount before taxes. This value is required if INCLUSIVETAX is set to false (or omitted) on the header. (This value will be ignored as an input if INCLUSIVETAX is true because the value will be calculated for you.)
TOTALTRXAMOUNT Optional currency Transaction amount for the line including taxes, which is required if INCLUSIVETAX is set to true on the header. The system uses the value you provide here and the tax rate of the tax detail (DETAILID) for the tax entry to calculate the transaction amount (TRX_AMOUNT) for the line and transaction tax (TRX_TAX) for the tax entry. (AU, GB, ZA only)
ENTRYDESCRIPTION Optional string Memo
FORM1099 Optional boolean Form 1099. Vendor must be set up for 1099s.
  • false - No
  • true - Yes
FORM1099TYPE Optional string Form 1099 type
FORM1099BOX Optional string Form 1099 box
BILLABLE Optional boolean Billable.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
ALLOCATION Optional string Allocation ID
LOCATIONID Optional string LOCATIONID of an active location. Required if company is multi-entity enabled.
DEPARTMENTID Optional string Department ID
PROJECTID Optional string Project ID
TASKID Optional string Task ID. Only available when the parent PROJECTID is also specified.
COSTTYPEID Optional string Cost type ID. Only available when PROJECTID and TASKID are specified. (Construction subscription)
CUSTOMERID Optional string Customer ID
VENDORID Optional string Vendor ID
EMPLOYEEID Optional string Employee ID
ITEMID Optional string Item ID
CLASSID Optional string Class ID
CONTRACTID Optional string Contract ID
WAREHOUSEID Optional string Warehouse ID
GLDIM* Optional integer User defined dimension id field. UDD object integration name usually appended to GLDIM
PARTIALEXEMPT Optional boolean Enables partial exemption so that you can reclaim a portion of your input VAT on purchases. (GB only)
  • false - No (detault)
  • true - Yes
TAXENTRIES Optional array of TAXENTRY Tax entries for the line. This a complete replacement of the existing set. Providing multiple entries is allowed if your tax solution supports it (AU and GB only). For ZA, only one tax entry is allowed.
Custom field name varies varies Custom field names and values as defined for this object.
For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


Specifies a tax rate (defined in the system) for the bill line.

Name Required Type Description
RECORDNO Optional integer Record number of an existing tax entry (associated with this line) that you want to modify. You can omit this parameter to create a new tax entry.
DETAILID Required string Unique ID of a tax detail with the tax rate to use
TRX_TAX Optional currency Transaction tax, which is your manually calculated value for the tax. The amount of the tax line is automatically included in the amount due (TOTAL_DUE) for the bill. Providing a value here overrides any calculated values.

Update Bill (Legacy)

Release Changes
2021 Release 2 Added partialexempt
2021 Release 1 Added inclusivetax, totaltrxamount, taxentries
2020 Release 2 Added costtypeid
2019 Release 4 Added taskid

Note: Currency (amount) values with more than 2 decimal places will be rounded to 2 decimal places to prevent data issues. Best practice is for your application to round long decimal numbers to 2 decimal places before sending them to Intacct.


<update_bill key="1234">
        <updatelineitem line_num="1">


Name Required Type Description
key Required integer Bill RECORDNO to update
vendorid Optional string Vendor ID
datecreated Optional object Transaction date
dateposted Optional object GL posting date
datedue Optional object Due date. Required if not using termname.
termname Optional string Payment term. Required if not using datedue.
action Optional string Action to execute on update.
  • Submit (default)
  • Draft
billno Optional string Bill number
ponumber Optional string Reference number
onhold Optional boolean On hold.
  • false - No (detault)
  • true - Yes
description Optional string Description
payto Optional object Pay to contact
returnto Optional object Return to contact
currency Optional string Transaction currency code
exchratedate Optional object Exchange rate date
exchratetype Optional string Exchange rate type. Do not use if exchrate is set. (Leave blank to use Intacct Daily Rate)
exchrate Optional currency Exchange rate value. Do not use if exchangeratetype is set.
supdocid Optional string Attachments ID
customfields Optional array of customfield Custom fields
updatebillitems Required array of updatelineitem or lineitem You can mix types in the array.
  • updatelineitem - Update an existing line
  • lineitem - Create a new line
inclusivetax Optional boolean Inclusive taxes. Set to true to have the system calculate the transaction amount (trx_amount) for the bill line and the transaction tax (trx_tax) for the tax entry based on the value supplied for totaltrxamount on the bill line and the tax rate of the tax detail (detailid) for the tax entry. (AU, GB, ZA only)


Name Required Type Description
year Required string Year yyyy
month Required string Month mm
day Required string Day dd


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Pay to contact name


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Return to contact name


Name Required Type Description
customfieldname Optional string Custom field ID
customfieldvalue Optional varies Custom field value. For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


Name Required Type Description
line_num Required integer Line number to update
glaccountno Optional string GL account number. Cannot use if using accountlabel.
accountlabel Optional string AP account label. Cannot use if using glaccountno.
offsetglaccountno Optional string Offset GL account number
amount Optional currency Transaction amount
memo Optional string Memo
locationid Optional string LOCATIONID of an active location. Required if company is multi-entity enabled.
departmentid Optional string Department ID
item1099 Optional boolean Form 1099. Vendor must be set up for 1099s.
  • false - No
  • true - Yes
form1099type Optional string Form 1099 type
form1099box Optional string Form 1099 box
customfields Optional array of customfield Custom fields
projectid Optional string Project ID
taskid Optional string Task ID. Only available when the parent projectid is also specified.
costtypeid Optional string Cost type ID. Only available when projectid and taskid are specified. (Construction subscription)
customerid Optional string Customer ID
vendorid Optional string Vendor ID
employeeid Optional string Employee ID
itemid Optional string Item ID
classid Optional string Class ID
contractid Optional string Contract ID
warehouseid Optional string Warehouse ID
billable Optional boolean Billable.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
totaltrxamount Optional currency Total transaction amount. Required if inclusive tax is set to true.
partialexempt Optional boolean Enables partial exemption so that you can reclaim a portion of your input VAT on purchases. (GB only)
  • false - No (detault)
  • true - Yes
taxentries Optional taxentry[1...n] Tax entries for the line. Required for VAT enabled transactions. Providing multiple entries is allowed if your tax solution supports it (AU and GB only). For ZA, only one tax entry is allowed.


Name Required Type Description
glaccountno Optional string GL account number. Required if not using accountlabel.
accountlabel Optional string AP account label. Required if not using glaccountno.
offsetglaccountno Optional string Offset GL account number
amount Required currency Transaction amount
allocationid Optional string Allocation ID
memo Optional string Memo
locationid Optional string LOCATIONID of an active location. Required if company is multi-entity enabled.
departmentid Optional string Department ID
item1099 Optional boolean Form 1099. Vendor must be set up for 1099s.
  • false - No
  • true - Yes
form1099type Optional string Form 1099 type
form1099box Optional string Form 1099 box
key Optional string Key
totalpaid Optional currency Total paid. Used when nogl on bill is true
totaldue Optional currency Total due. Used when nogl on bill is true
customfields Optional array of customfield Custom fields
projectid Optional string Project ID
taskid Optional string Task ID. Only available when the parent projectid is also specified.
costtypeid Optional string Cost type ID. Only available when projectid and taskid are specified. (Construction subscription)
customerid Optional string Customer ID
vendorid Optional string Vendor ID
employeeid Optional string Employee ID
itemid Optional string Item ID
classid Optional string Class ID
contractid Optional string Contract ID
warehouseid Optional string Warehouse ID
billable Optional boolean Billable.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
totaltrxamount Optional currency Total transaction amount. Required if inclusive tax is set to true.
partialexempt Optional boolean Enables partial exemption so that you can reclaim a portion of your input VAT on purchases. (GB only)
  • false - No (detault)
  • true - Yes
taxentries Optional array of taxentry Tax entries for the line. Required for VAT enabled transactions. Providing multiple entries is allowed if your tax solution supports it (AU and GB only). For ZA, only one tax entry is allowed.

update_bill.updatebillitems.updatelineitem.taxentry (AU, GB, ZA only)

Specifies a tax rate (defined in the system) and a manually calculated tax for the bill line.

Name Required Type Description
detailid Required string Unique ID of a tax detail with the tax rate to use
trx_tax Optional currency Transaction tax, which is a manually calculated value to override the calculated value for the tax. The amount of the tax line is automatically included in the transaction amount (trx_amount).

Reverse Bill (Legacy)


<reverse_bill key="1234">
Name Required Type Description
key Required integer Bill RECORDNO to reverse
datereversed Required object Reverse date
description Optional string Memo


Name Required Type Description
year Required string Year yyyy
month Required string Month mm
day Required string Day dd

Delete Bill


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use APBILL
keys Required string Comma-separated list of bill RECORDNO to delete

Delete Bill (Legacy)


<delete_bill key="1234"></delete_bill>
Name Required Type Description
key Required string Bill RECORDNO to delete

Recall Bill

Release Changes
2023 Release 4 Added recallApBill


Name Required Type Description
RECORDNO Required integer Record number of the bill to recall.

Bill Lines

Get Bill Line Object Definition


List all the fields and relationships for the bill line object:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use APBILLITEM

Query and List Bill Lines


List the record number, amount, and GL account title for each bill line:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use APBILLITEM
filter Optional object Filter expression to limit the response to only objects that match the expression. Check the value of a single field using operators such as equalto/like, or multiple fields using and/or. Query fields on related objects using the dot operator (for example, VENDOR.CREDITLIMIT on APBILL).
select Required sequence The names of the fields that you want included in the response, and an optional aggregate function such as count or sum. Returning all fields is not supported.
orderby Optional object Provide an order element with a field name and choose an ascending or descending sort order, for example:
options Optional object Query options:
  • Set the caseinsensitive element to true for a case-insensitive query
  • In a multi-entity company, set the showprivate element to true to query data in private entities:
  • Specify the returnformat for the response: xml (default), json, or csv
pagesize Optional integer Maximum number of matching objects to return in the response, between 1 and 2000 items (Default: 100)
offset Optional integer Point at which to start indexing into records (Default: 0)

Query and List Bill Lines (Legacy)


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use APBILLITEM
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
query Required string SQL-like query based on fields on the object. The following operators are supported: <, >, >=, <=, =, like, not like, in, not in, IS NOT NULL, IS NULL, AND, OR. Illegal XML characters must be properly encoded, and single quotes must be escaped with backslashes ('Jane\'s Deli'). Joins are not supported.
pagesize Optional integer Custom page size between 1 and 1000 items (Default: 100)

Get Bill Line


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use APBILLITEM
keys Required string Comma-separated list of transaction line RECORDNO to get
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

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