The example shows you how to:


Set up

  1. Open AbstractTestObject.cs and note how it extends Intacct.SDK.Functions.AbstractFunction.

    AbstractFunction is a helper class provided mainly to generate random control IDs. AbstractFunction implements Intacct.SDK.Functions.IFunction, and any class whose instances will be executed by a client must implement IFunction. If using ExecuteBatch, the parameter must be a List<IFunction>.

  2. Open TestObjectCreate.cs and note how it extends AbstractTestObject.

    The IFunction interface requires that the class implement the void WriteXml(ref IaXmlWriter xml) function. This implementation is where you provide the XML that will be processed at the gateway endpoint.

  3. Back in AbstractTestObject.cs, replace test_object with the integration name for your custom object.

    protected const string IntegrationName = "test_object";

Run the example

  1. Run the project, and enter 5 when prompted.

    For example, the following runs the project from the command line:

    cd Intacct.Examples
    "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" bin/Debug/netcoreappX.X/Intacct.Examples.dll
  2. Observe the terminal output, which should look similar to this:

    Created record ID 10153

    Note the record ID, which will be used to delete the object later.

  3. Type 6 to exit the program.

  4. Open the generated Intacct.Examples/bin/Debug/netcoreappX.X/logs/intacct.log file in a text editor and review the entries.

    The file provides info and debug entries. The SDK provides a debug entry for each HTTP request/response (with the Sage Intacct endpoint).

    Note that the log file was created by the logger set in the client config.

Extra credit

Get the record by ID

  1. Update CustomObjectFunction.cs to execute a Read function using the record ID returned by TestObjectCreate as the key. For example:

     using Intacct.SDK.Functions.Common;
     Read read = new Read()
         ObjectName = "test_object",
             Keys =
     Task<OnlineResponse> readTask = client.Execute(read);
     OnlineResponse readResponse = readTask.Result;
     Result readResult = readResponse.Results[0];
     int recordNo = int.Parse(readResult.Data[0].Element("id").Value);
     Console.WriteLine("Read record ID " + recordNo.ToString());

Delete the record

  1. Create a TestObjectDelete class and execute an instance of it that uses the same record ID returned in the TestObjectCreate result.

    If you need help, see .

    using Intacct.SDK.Xml;
    namespace Intacct.Examples
        public class TestObjectDelete : AbstractTestObject
            public TestObjectDelete(int recordId)
                this.Id = recordId;
            public override void WriteXml(ref IaXmlWriter xml)
                xml.WriteAttribute("controlid", this.ControlId, true);
                xml.WriteElement("object", IntegrationName);
                xml.WriteElement("keys", this.Id);
                xml.WriteEndElement(); // delete
                xml.WriteEndElement(); // function

What’s next?

For more complex examples, you can use the functions in the SDK as models. For example, AbstractBill extends AbstractFunction, then BillCreate and BillDelete extend AbstractBill and write the XML for creating or deleting bills.

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