This release went live on the evening of May 12, 2023.

New Developer Portal

Sage has launched a new developer portal to centralize access to developer tools and let you view detailed information on your API usage.

  • Access insights into your API usage across companies to help you optimize and tune your applications for efficiency gains.
  • A central location for other developer-related enhancements and services that are planned for the near future.
  • Access the new portal today at

API Framework

en-US is the default locale

The Intacct XML API uses en-US as the default locale and does not support content negotiation.

Show additional error info

The <control> element in XML API requests now accepts an optional <showadditionalerrorinfo> element that you can use to request more error information in responses to failed requests. Error responses remain the same if this element is set to false or not included in the element. New fields in error responses will be null if additional error information is not available.


Enable reverse conversions for non-inventory line items in Purchasing transactions

Only those companies with Construction subscriptions have access to the options to enable reverse conversions. For more information about subscribing to Construction functionality, see Configure Construction.

New fields are available that allow you to enable reverse conversions to non-inventory line items in purchasing transactions. When reverse conversions are enabled, you can reduce the net amount previously converted for a transaction line item.

If you want to enable reverse conversions for non-inventory line items in purchasing transactions, activate the Enable conversion reversals for non-inventory items option during Purchasing configuration. When this option is enabled, you can also choose whether to include fully converted lines on a new document during conversion and whether to prefill the conversion amount to zero. See Configure Purchasing for detailed information about these Construction configuration options.

When reverse conversions are enabled for Purchasing, you can enable reverse conversions when creating a transaction (using <create_potransaction>) or updating a transaction (using <update_potransaction>) by setting the new <reverseconversion> field to true for a transaction line item (<potransitem>).

When the new <reverseconversion> field is set to true, downstream conversions for that transaction line item must have a price or quantity (based on conversion type) with the opposite sign (positive or negative) of the upstream document. When set to true, the <reverseconversion> field requires the conversion for that line item to be opposite of the upstream document.

For example, if the upstream document is a purchase order for 100 dollars, all downstream conversions are also required to be positive (+). The exception is line items that have the <reverseconversion> field set to true, which are required to be opposite of the upstream document, or negative (-), in the case of this example. A negative conversion in this example case would allow you to reduce the previously converted amount of a purchase order line item.

When reverse conversions are enabled for Purchasing and for a transaction line item, several new read-only fields can be calculated and returned in <potransaction> and <potransitem> query and list responses:

  • <reversepriceconverted>
  • <reverseqtyconverted>
  • <stdpriceconverted>
  • <stdqtyconverted>
  • <sourcedocid>
  • <sourcedoclineid>

For more information, see:

Exclude project contracts and project contract lines from forecasting and reporting

Boolean fields have been added to PROJECTCONTRACT and PROJECTCONTRACTLINE objects so that they can be marked as templates and not included in forecasting and budgeting.

  • Set the new WIPEXCLUDE field in PROJECTCONTRACT objects to true to mark the contract as a template, which will exclude it from forecasting.
  • Set the new GLEXCLUDE field in PROJECTCONTRACTLINE objects to true to exclude all values for the project contract line from posting to a GL budget, including any linked change request entries.

These fields can be set with the <create> and <update> operations described on the Project Contracts page.

AR invoices and AP bills flagged as retainage release

A Boolean field has been added to ARINVOICE and APBILL to identify when an invoice or bill is a retainage release. The RETAINAGERELEASE field cannot be set via the API, but is visible in read and inspect responses. You can also use query to find all invoices or bills that are marked as retainage release.

Summary billing for T&M projects

Release 2 of 2023 includes summary billing capability for Time & Materials projects:

  • Derive the billable amount of a project contract line from actual T&M expenses.
  • Bill multiple expenses to a single project contract line.
  • Summarize multiple expenses on the generated OE invoice as a single line instead of listing each billed expense line individually on the invoice document.

The PROJECTCONTRACTLINE object now has a SUMMARIZEBILL field that enables summary billing for T&M projects. When enabled, users can go through Project Generate Invoice and invoice by contract, assigning T&M expenses to a summary line. The billing output for the line will go to a single OE invoice line. The Extended price for this line will be the sum of all the billed expenses associated to this project contract line. All related expenses will still be marked as billed.

Billing dimensions and other values on the summarized line on the OE invoice are set based on the billing dimension values from the project contract line Dimension section.

Deleting an invoice with summary billing triggers a rollback of the billing of the related expenses.

Summary billing is reflected in OE and AR transactions:

  • The OE SODocumentEntry object includes a new ISSUMMARIZED field when the project is set to project contract billing. The field is read-only and cannot be set or updated from within OE. The equivalent 2.1 change is the issummarized field in the sotransitem object.
  • The AR ARINVOICE object also include a new ISSUMMARIZED field when the AR invoice entry is created from an OE invoice for project contract billing. The field is read-only and cannot be set or updated from within AR.

See the SUMMARIZEBILL parameter for the following:

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