A budget is a plan to help estimate revenue and expenses for operations.

Budget amounts are uploaded early in the cycle (month or quarter), and then are used at the end of the cycle to compare against actuals.

You create a budget and its details by creating a GLBUDGETHEADER object with owned GLBUDGETITEMS. You can use update to add more budget details, and you can delete budget details using the delete function.


Get Budget Object Definition


List all the fields and relationships for the budget object:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use GLBUDGETHEADER

Query and List Budgets


List the record number and budget ID for each budget:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use GLBUDGETHEADER
filter Optional object Filter expression to limit the response to only objects that match the expression. Check the value of a single field using operators such as equalto/like, or multiple fields using and/or. Query fields on related objects using the dot operator (for example, VENDOR.CREDITLIMIT on APBILL).
select Required sequence The names of the fields that you want included in the response, and an optional aggregate function such as count or sum. Returning all fields is not supported.
orderby Optional object Provide an order element with a field name and choose an ascending or descending sort order, for example:
options Optional object Query options:
  • Set the caseinsensitive element to true for a case-insensitive query
  • In a multi-entity company, set the showprivate element to true to query data in private entities:
  • Specify the returnformat for the response: xml (default), json, or csv
pagesize Optional integer Maximum number of matching objects to return in the response, between 1 and 2000 items (Default: 100)
offset Optional integer Point at which to start indexing into records (Default: 0)

Query and List Budgets (Legacy Query)

Release Changes
2019 Release 3 Added support for GLBUDGETHEADER


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use GLBUDGETHEADER
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
query Required string SQL-like query based on fields on the object. The following operators are supported: <, >, >=, <=, =, like, not like, in, not in, IS NOT NULL, IS NULL, AND, OR. Illegal XML characters must be properly encoded, and single quotes must be escaped with backslashes ('Jane\'s Deli'). Joins are not supported.
pagesize Optional integer Custom page size between 1 and 1000 items (Default: 100)

Get Budget


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use GLBUDGETHEADER
keys Required string Comma-separated list of budget RECORDNO to get
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Get Budget by ID


    <keys>2019 Annual Plan</keys>
Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use GLBUDGETHEADER
keys Required string Comma-separated list of budget BUDGETID to get
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Create Budget


        <BUDGETID>2019 Annual Plan</BUDGETID>
        <DESCRIPTION>2019 Annual Plan</DESCRIPTION>
                <PERIODNAME>Month Ended January 2019</PERIODNAME>
                <PERIODNAME>Month Ended February 2019</PERIODNAME>
Name Required Type Description
GLBUDGETHEADER Required object Type of object to create.


Name Required Type Description
BUDGETID Required string Budget ID
DESCRIPTION Required string Description of the budget.
DEFAULT_BUDGET Optional boolean Use true to designate this as the company’s default budget, otherwise use false
ISCONSOLIDATED Optional boolean Use true to make this a consolidated budget, otherwise use false
CURRENCY Optional string Consolidation currency code. Required if ISCONSOLIDATED is set to true
ISPCNBUDGET Optional Boolean Set to true to restrict the budget to be used with project contracts. All budget details will be generated from project contracts.
GLBDUGETITEMS Optional array of GLBUDGETITEM[ Zero or more budget details.


Name Required Type Description
ACCT_NO Required string Account number
PERIODNAME Required string Name of a budgetable reporting period
LOCATION_NO Optional string Location number
DEPT_NO Optional string Department number
AMOUNT Required currency Amount

Update Budget

Use this function to add new budget details or modify existing budget details. To delete existing budget details, use the delete function.


Add one new budget detail and modify an existing one:

                <PERIODNAME>Month Ended April 2019</PERIODNAME>
                <PERIODNAME>Month Ended March 2019</PERIODNAME>
Name Required Type Description
GLBUDGETHEADER Required object Type of object to update.


Name Required Type Description
RECORDNO Required integer Record number of the budget
DESCRIPTION Optional string Description of budget
DEFAULT_BUDGET Optional boolean Use true to designate this as the company’s default budget, otherwise use false
ISCONSOLIDATED Optional boolean Use true to make this a consolidated budget, otherwise use false
CURRENCY Optional string Consolidation currency code. Required if ISCONSOLIDATED is set to true
ISPCNBUDGET Optional Boolean Set to true to restrict the budget to use with project contracts. This value cannot be changed for budgets that have any GLBUDGETITEMs.
GLBDUGETITEMS Optional array of GLBUDGETITEM Budget details.


You can add new details or modify fields on existing details.

Name Required Type Description
RECORDNO Optional integer Record number of a budget detail to modify. Omit this parameter to create a new budget detail.
ACCT_NO Required string Account number
PERIODNAME Required string Name of a budgetable reporting period
LOCATION_NO Optional string Location number
DEPT_NO Optional string Department number
AMOUNT Required currency Amount

Delete Budget


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use GLBUDGETHEADER
keys Required string Comma-separated list of budget RECORDNO to delete

Budget Details

Get Budget Detail Object Definition


List all the fields and relationships for the budget detail object:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use GLBUDGETITEM

Query and List Budget Details


List the record number and budget ID for each budget detail for the Proj-05-Budget budget:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use GLBUDGETITEM
filter Optional object Filter expression to limit the response to only objects that match the expression. Check the value of a single field using operators such as equalto/like, or multiple fields using and/or. Query fields on related objects using the dot operator (for example, VENDOR.CREDITLIMIT on APBILL).
select Required sequence The names of the fields that you want included in the response, and an optional aggregate function such as count or sum. Returning all fields is not supported.
orderby Optional object Provide an order element with a field name and choose an ascending or descending sort order, for example:
options Optional object Query options:
  • Set the caseinsensitive element to true for a case-insensitive query
  • In a multi-entity company, set the showprivate element to true to query data in private entities:
  • Specify the returnformat for the response: xml (default), json, or csv
pagesize Optional integer Maximum number of matching objects to return in the response, between 1 and 2000 items (Default: 100)
offset Optional integer Point at which to start indexing into records (Default: 0)

Query and List Budget Details (Legacy Query)


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use GLBUDGETITEM
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
query Required string SQL-like query based on fields on the object. The following operators are supported: <, >, >=, <=, =, like, not like, in, not in, IS NOT NULL, IS NULL, AND, OR. Illegal XML characters must be properly encoded, and single quotes must be escaped with backslashes ('Jane\'s Deli'). Joins are not supported.
pagesize Optional integer Custom page size between 1 and 1000 items (Default: 100)

Get Budget Detail


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use GLBUDGETITEM
keys Required string Comma-separated list of budget detail RECORDNO to get
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Delete Budget Detail

If deleting a budget detail will result in an empty period, that budget detail will not be deleted. Instead, its value is set to zero (and its record number is retained).


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use GLBUDGETITEM
keys Required string Comma-separated list of budget detail RECORDNO to delete

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