Consolidation books contain entities with different operating currencies that must be converted into a single currency for reporting and budgeting.

You can run a global or domestic consolidation to accomplish this.

Usage information for running consolidations is available in the Sage Intacct product help.

Note: Most consolidation object names start with GC and are called “Global Coonsolidation,” but you can use them for domestic or global consolidations.

Run Global Consolidation


    <reportingperiodname>Month Ended January 2017</reportingperiodname>


Name Required Type Description
bookid Required string Consolidation book ID
offline Optional boolean Run consolidation offline. Use F for No, T for Yes. (Default: F)
updatesucceedingperiods Optional boolean Consolidate succeeding periods. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
changesonly Required boolean Only consolidate changes since last consolidation. Use T to consolidate changes only, F otherwise.
email Optional string Email consolidation results to this address
reportingperiodname Required string Report period name to consolidate
entities Optional csnentity[0...n] Entities to consolidate in addition to any entities already set up for the book


Name Required Type Description
entityid Required string Entity ID
bsrate Optional currency Balance sheet rate
warate Optional currency Weighted average rate

Run Global Consolidation (Legacy)


    <reportingperiodname>Month Ended January 2017</reportingperiodname>


Name Required Type Description
bookid Required string Consolidation book ID
offline Optional boolean Run consolidation offline. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
updatesucceedingperiods Optional boolean Consolidate succeeding periods. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
changesonly Optional boolean Only consolidate changes since last consolidation. Use T to consolidate changes only, F otherwise. (Default: T)
email Optional string Email consolidation results to this address
reportingperiodname Required string Report period name to consolidate
entities Optional csnentity[0...n] Entities to consolidate in addition to any entities already set up for the book


Name Required Type Description
entityid Required string Entity ID
bsrate Optional currency Balance sheet rate
warate Optional currency Weighted average rate

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