As a multi-ledger accounting system, many of the journal entries are created by the system based on activity in sub ledgers like Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. This data model illustrates how to connect journal entries to their source sub ledger transactions.

entity relationship diagram for general ledger details


  1. The join from GLENTRY through GLRESOLVE to one of the sub ledger transaction pages requires mapping the GLBATCH.MODULE value. For example, if GLBATCH.MODULE = 11.CM, then the join should be GLRESOLVE.PRENTRYKEY = CMDETAIL.RECORDNO.
  2. Not all transactions in Purchasing, Inventory Management, and Order Entry post to the General Ledger. Some transactions in these modules post to Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable and some do not post at all. This data model does not depict the relationship between the sub ledger transactions. View the individual data models to see this relationship.
  3. This data model does not depict the relationship from GLRESOLVE to the document header objects (*RECORD and *DOCUMENT). Refer to the join details in blue.