Purchasing Transaction Definitions
- Get Purchasing Transaction Definition Object Definition
- Query and List Purchasing Transaction Definitions
- Query and List Purchasing Transaction Definitions (Legacy)
- Get Purchasing Transaction Definition
- Create Purchasing Transaction Definition
- Update Purchasing Transaction Definition
- Delete Purchasing Transaction Definition
A transaction definition contains the accounting rules, workflow settings, security settings, and other characteristics for a transaction.
If your company has enabled advanced workflows, you can add new transaction definitions or edit existing ones.
This page provides some examples that create and update Purchasing transaction definitions that are for demonstration purposes only. Your requirements will be different.
Get Purchasing Transaction Definition Object Definition
List all the fields and relationships for the Purchasing transaction definition object:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string | Use PODOCUMENTPARAMS |
Query and List Purchasing Transaction Definitions
List the template name and template type for each transaction definition:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string | Use PODOCUMENTPARAMS |
filter | Optional | object | Filter expression to limit the response to only objects that match the expression. Check the value of a single field using operators such as equalto/like, or multiple fields using and/or. Query fields on related objects using the dot operator (for example, VENDOR.CREDITLIMIT on APBILL). |
select | Required | sequence | The names of the fields that you want included in the response, and an optional aggregate function such as count or sum . Returning all fields is not supported. |
orderby | Optional | object | Provide an order element with a field name and choose an ascending or descending sort order, for example: <order> |
options | Optional | object | Query options:
pagesize | Optional | integer | Maximum number of matching objects to return in the response, between 1 and 2000 items (Default: 100 ) |
offset | Optional | integer | Point at which to start indexing into records (Default: 0 ) |
Query and List Purchasing Transaction Definitions (Legacy)
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string | Use PODOCUMENTPARAMS |
fields | Optional | string | Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value. |
query | Required | string | SQL-like query based on fields on the object. The following operators are supported: < , > , >= , <= , = , like , not like , in , not in , IS NOT NULL , IS NULL , AND , OR . Illegal XML characters must be properly encoded, and single quotes must be escaped with backslashes ('Jane\'s Deli' ). Joins are not supported. |
pagesize | Optional | integer | Custom page size between 1 and 1000 items (Default: 100 ) |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
DOCCLASS | Optional | string | Template type for the transaction. Use QUOTE , ORDER , LIST , INVOICE , ADJ , or OTHER . |
CATEGORY | Optional | string | Workflow category. Use Q for Quote, O for Order, S for Shipping, I for Invoice, or R for Return. |
IN_OUT | Optional | string | Increases/decreases inventory and billings. Use I for Increase or D for Decrease. |
EDITTYPE | Optional | string | Edit policy for the transaction type in the Security Configuration. Use N for No Edit, P for Before Printing, or H for All. |
DELTYPE | Optional | string | Delete policy for the transaction type in the Security Configuration. Use N for No Edit, P for Before Printing, or H for All. |
CREATETYPE | Optional | string | Create policy for the transaction type in the Security Configuration. Use N for New document or Convert or C for Convert only. |
Get Purchasing Transaction Definition
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string | Use PODOCUMENTPARAMS |
keys | Required | string | Comma-separated list of object RECORDNO to get |
fields | Optional | string | Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. |
returnFormat | Optional | string | Data format for the response body:
Create Purchasing Transaction Definition
Release | Changes |
2022 Release 1 | Added PRIMARYDOC |
2020 Release 4 | Added ENABLEDOCCHANGE |
2020 Release 1 | Added ENABLE_RETAINAGE |
2020 Release 1 | Added ALLOW_ALLOCATIONS |
2024 Release 4 | Update note about ENABLE_RETAINAGE |
Creates a transaction definition for vendor bills for office supplies:
<!-- General Properties -->
<DOCID>Vendor Bill</DOCID>
<DESCRIPTION>Vendor bill for office supplies with AP posting</DESCRIPTION>
<!-- Accounting Properties -->
<UPDATES_GL>A</UPDATES_GL> <!-- Sets transaction posting for AP -->
<!-- Posting Configuration for AP -->
<AR_ACCOUNTS> <!-- AR_ACCOUNT is shared across applications including AP -->
<GLACCOUNT>2000--Accounts Payable</GLACCOUNT>
<GLACCOUNT>6215--Office Supplies</GLACCOUNT>
<!-- Workflow Properties -->
<CONVTYPE>Leave Transaction Open</CONVTYPE>
<!-- Printing Properties -->
<!-- Security Configuration -->
<DELTYPE>Before Printing</DELTYPE>
<CREATETYPE>New document or Convert</CREATETYPE>
Creates the same type of transaction definition but adds subtotals, reversals, and multi-entity settings:
<!-- General Properties -->
<DOCID>Vendor Bill Subtotals</DOCID>
<DESCRIPTION>Vendor bill with subtotals and numbering for entities</DESCRIPTION>
<!-- Accounting Properties -->
<DESCRIPTION>Vendor Bill Percent Discount</DESCRIPTION>
<UPDATES_GL>A</UPDATES_GL> <!-- Sets transaction posting for AP -->
<!-- Posting Configuration for AP -->
<AR_ACCOUNTS> <!-- AR_ACCOUNT is shared across applications including AP -->
<GLACCOUNT>2100--Accounts Payable</GLACCOUNT>
<GLACCOUNT>6215--Office Supplies</GLACCOUNT>
<!-- Workflow Properties -->
<CONVTYPE>Leave Transaction Open</CONVTYPE>
<!-- Printing Properties -->
<!-- Security Configuration -->
<DELTYPE>Before Printing</DELTYPE>
<CREATETYPE>New document or Convert</CREATETYPE>
<!-- Entity Settings -->
<SEQUENCE>VendBill Canadian</SEQUENCE>
Name | Required | Type | Description |
PODOCUMENTPARAMS | Required | object | Type of object to create. |
General Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
DOCID | Required | string | Template name for the transaction definition. Use 30 characters or fewer. Once you save a transaction definition, you can’t change the template name. |
DESCRIPTION | Optional | string | Meaningful description for the transaction definition. Use 100 characters or fewer. |
DOCCLASS | Optional | string | Template type for the transaction. The type determines whether certain fields appear on the transaction (for example, Expiration Date vs. Ship Date). Use Quote , Order , List , Invoice , Adjustment , or Other . (Default: Quote ) |
CATEGORY | Optional | string | Workflow category. Use Quote , Order , Shipping , Invoice , or Return . (Default: Quote ) |
REPORTINGCATEGORY | Optional | string | Standard reporting categories for Construction projects. Use one of the following or a null value: Bids and Quotes , Purchase Orders , Purchase Order Change Orders , Purchase Receivers , Purchase Order Invoices , Purchase Returns , Purchase Credits , Purchase Debits , Purchase Clearing Receivers , Subcontract Bids , Subcontracts , Subcontract Change Orders , Subcontract Invoices , Internal Supply Requisitions , Purchase Requisitions , Blanket POs or Vendor Contracts , Grant Requests , or Grant Awards . |
STATUS | Optional | string | Status for the transaction definition. Use Active or Inactive . (Default: Active ) |
ENABLEDOCCHANGE | Optional | string | Enable change management for transactions. Use Enable Change for source transactions that can accept change orders, use Change Order for transactions that are themselves change orders, or No Change for transactions that do not use change management. (Default value: No Change ) |
SEQUENCE | Optional | string | Numbering sequence for the transaction. If not provided, transactions must be numbered manually. Can be overridden in the Entity Settings. |
PRESERVE_SEQNUM | Optional | boolean | Preserve sequence numbers so that numbers are not skipped. Use true to preserve sequences, false otherwise. Can be overridden in the Entity Settings. (Default: false ) |
INHERIT_SOURCE_DOCNO | Optional | boolean | Inherit the source document number from the transaction from which this transaction is converted. Use true to inherit the numbering, false otherwise. Can be overridden in the Entity Settings. (Default: false ) |
PRIMARYDOC | Optional | boolean | Enables the primary document feature within a workflow. Use true to enable, false otherwise. When set to true , all documents created using the purchasing transaction definition are marked as primary documents, and all documents that result from conversions or change orders from a primary document have links back to the primary document. Available in companies with a Construction subscription. When you set PRIMARYDOC to true , you can’t disable it. (Default: false ) |
Inventory Control Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
TOTALS | Optional | TOTAL [1…n] |
Inventory Control totals. Your company must subscribe to Inventory Control. |
WARNONLOWQTY | Optional | boolean | Warn user if item ONHAND quantity falls below zero. Use true to warn, false otherwise. (Default: true ) |
IN_OUT | Optional | string | Increases/decreases inventory and billings. Use Increase or Decrease . (Default: Increase ) |
WAREHOUSESELMETHOD | Optional | string | Warehouse selection method. Use Sort by ID , Sort by Name , Warehouse with Available Inventory , or Use the default warehouse . (Default: Sort by ID ) |
DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE | Optional | string | Default warehouse. Only applicable if warehouse selection method is set to Use the default warehouse . A user’s Default warehouse setting overrides this selection. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
TOTALID | Required | string | Inventory total ID. Use DAMAGED , ONHAND , ONHOLD , ONORDER , REQUISITIONED , SCRAP OR SPOILAGE or a custom inventory total. |
Q_QV | Required | string | Maintain inventory. Use Quantity , Value , or Quantity & Value . |
SIGN | Required | string | Add/Subtract. Use Add or Subtract . |
Accounting Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
SHOW_TOTALS | Optional | boolean | Enable subtotals. Use true to enable subtotals, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
LINELEVELSIMPLETAX | Optional | boolean | Enable line level Simple Tax. Use true to enable line level Simple Tax, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
SUBTOTALS | Optional | SUBTOTAL [1..n] |
Transaction subtotals. Only applicable when subtotals are enabled (via SHOW_TOTALS ). |
ENABLEOVERRIDETAX | Optional | string | Line item tax. Specifies whether the user can override whether an item is taxable. Only applicable when subtotals are enabled (via SHOW_TOTALS ). |
SHOWEXPANDEDTOTALS | Optional | string | Show expanded tax details in the transaction user interface and in the printed output. Only applicable when subtotals are enabled (via SHOW_TOTALS ) for companies that use Avalara tax or Intacct Advanced Tax.(Default: false ) |
OVERRIDE_PRICE | Optional | boolean | Override suggested price. Specifies whether the user can override the price proposed by the system. Use true if you want to allow this, false otherwise. (Default: true ) |
OVERRIDE_EXCH_RATE_TYPE | Optional | boolean | Exchange rate and exchange rate type. Specifies whether the user can edit the Exchange rate and/or Exchange rate type fields on the transaction. Use true if you want to allow this, false otherwise. (Default: true ) |
EXCHRATETYPES | Optional | string | Exchange rate type for custom exchange rate. Only applicable for multi-currency companies. |
DISPLAY_BASECURRENCY | Optional | boolean | Display base currency as well as transaction currency for multi-currency. Use true to display both, false otherwise. Only applicable for multi-currency companies. (Default: false ) |
UPDATES_GL | Optional | string | Transaction posting. Use A for Accounts Payable, G for General Ledger, or N for Don’t Post. If you specify Accounts Payable or General Ledger, you must supply the Transaction posting account mapping (via AR_ACCOUNTS ) in the Posting Configuration. |
AR_ACCOUNTS | Optional | AR_ACCOUNT [2] |
Transaction posting account mapping for either Accounts Payable or General Ledger transaction posting. There must be one credit and one debit account. Note: AR_ACCOUNT is shared across applications, which is why there isn’t an AP_ACCOUNT mapping parameter as you might expect. |
POSTTOGL | Optional | boolean | Enable reversal posting, which can be any additional posting, not just for reversals. Use true to enable, false otherwise. If set to true , you must supply the Reversal GL entry account mapping in the Posting Configuration. (Default: false ) |
DISABLEVAT | Optional | boolean | For a VAT enabled company, disables tax capture for the general ledger. (Default: false ) (AU, GB, ZA only) |
Reversal GL entry account mapping in the Posting Configuration. There must be one credit and one debit account. |
ALLOW_ALLOCATIONS | Optional | boolean | Enable transaction allocations. Set to true to allow line-level transaction allocations for non-inventory items. |
ENABLE_RETAINAGE | Optional | boolean | Enable retainage for transactions. Set to true to allow retainages (Construction or Projects subscription). |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
DESCRIPTION | Optional | string | Description for the transaction subtotal |
DISC_CHARGE | Optional | string | Subtotal type. Use Discount or Charge . |
BASELINE | Optional | integer | Applied to line |
AMT_PERC | Optional | string | Value type. Use Amount or Percent . |
VALUE | Optional | integer | Value |
DEBIT_CREDIT | Optional | string | Debit/Credit. Use Debit or Credit . |
GLACCOUNT | Optional | string | GL Account |
GLOFFSETACCOUNT | Optional | string | GL Offset Account |
APPORTIONED | Optional | boolean | Apportioned. Use true for apportioned, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
ISTAX | Optional | boolean | Is Tax. Use true to flag the subtotal as a tax, false otherwise. If your organization uses Simple Tax, Advanced Tax, or Avalara Tax, set this option to true . (Default: false ) |
Posting Configuration
Details for AP account mapping or Transaction posting GL account mapping. Accounts Payable or General Ledger must be specified as the transaction posting option (via UPDATES_GL
) for this to apply. There must be one credit and one debit account, and there must be one offset account.
is shared across applications, which is why there isn’t an AP_ACCOUNT
mapping parameter as you might expect.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
ITEM_GLGROUP | Optional | string | Item GL Group |
WAREHOUSE | Optional | string | Warehouse |
ENT_GLGROUP | Optional | string | Vendor GL Group. |
DEBIT_CREDIT | Optional | string | Debit/Credit. Use Debit or Credit . |
GLACCOUNT | Optional | string | GL Account |
ISOFFSET | Optional | boolean | Is Offset? Use true to indicate this is an offset account, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
Details for Reversal GL entry account mapping. Reversal posting must be enabled (viaPOSTTOGL
) for this to apply. There must be one credit and one debit account, and there must be one offset account.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
ITEM_GLGROUP | Optional | string | Item GL Group |
WAREHOUSE | Optional | string | Warehouse |
DEBIT_CREDIT | Optional | string | Debit/Credit. Use Debit or Credit . |
GLACCOUNT | Optional | string | GL Account |
ISOFFSET | Optional | boolean | Is Offset? Use true to indicate this is an offset account, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
Workflow Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
RECALLS | Optional | RECALL [1..n] |
Transaction definitions from which this transaction can be converted. If this transaction definition is the first step in your workflow, omit this parameter. |
CONVTYPE | Optional | string | Partial conversion handling. Use Close Transaction , Leave Transaction Open , or Close Original and Create Back Order . (Default: Close Transaction ) |
PRICELISTID | Optional | string | Initial price list. If you are using layered price lists, this indicates the first price list the system will evaluate when determining a suggested transaction price. |
SPECIAL_PRICELISTID | Optional | string | Special price list. If you are using layered price lists, this indicates a special price list (for example, a discounted price list or seasonal price list). |
UPDATES_PRICELISTID | Optional | string | Price list to update. If you are using layered price lists, this indicates a special price list such as a seasonal one (typically not used). |
CREDITLIMITCHECK | Optional | boolean | Enforce credit limit. Specifies whether to enforce customer credit limit restrictions in transactions created from this template. Use true for needing a credit check, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
TERM_NAME | Optional | string | Default AP term. If selected, the system auto-populates the Expiration date for quotes and the Date due for invoices based on the selected term. |
RECDOCPAR | Optional | string | Transaction definition from which this transaction can be converted from as part of a workflow. |
Printing Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
XSLTEMPLATE | Optional | string | Custom document template for printing. |
FIXED_MESG | Optional | string | Optional default text. Only applicable if a custom document template for printing is not used. Use 4000 or fewer characters. |
CONTACTTITLE1 | Optional | string | Contact Title label change for Pay to label. Use 20 or fewer characters. |
SHOWTTITLE1 | Optional | boolean | Show on Print for Pay to label for CONTACTTITLE1. Use true to show the title, false otherwise. |
ALLOWEDITBILLTO | Optional | boolean | Allow Editing for Pay to label for CONTACTTITLE1. Use true to allow the user to select a contact other than the default, false otherwise. |
CONTACTTITLE2 | Optional | string | Contact Title label change for Return to label. Use 20 or fewer characters. |
SHOWTTITLE2 | Optional | boolean | Enable Show on Print for the Return to label for CONTACTTITLE2. Use true to show the title, false otherwise. |
ALLOWEDITSHIPTO | Optional | boolean | Enable Allow Editing for the Return to label for CONTACTTITLE2. Use true to allow the user to select a contact other than the default, false otherwise. |
CONTACTTITLE3 | Optional | string | Contact Title label change for Deliver to label. Use 20 or fewer characters. |
SHOWTTITLE3 | Optional | boolean | Enable Show on Print for Deliver to label for CONTACTTITLE3. Use true to show the title, false otherwise. |
ALLOWEDITDELIVERTO | Optional | boolean | Enable Allow Editing for the Deliver to label for CONTACTTITLE3. Use true to allow the user to select a contact other than the default, false otherwise. |
Additional Information Properties
Details related to Construction projects, useful for working with subcontractors.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
ENABLEADDINFOSCOPE | Optional | boolean | Enables Scope parameters. This includes SCOPE , INCLUSIONS , EXCLUSIONS , and TERMS . |
ENABLEADDINFOSCHEDULE | Optional | boolean | Enables Schedule parameters for Construction projects |
ENABLEADDINFOINTERNALREF | Optional | boolean | Enables Internal Reference parameters. This includes all parameters prefixed with INTERNAL . |
ENABLEADDINFOEXTERNALREF | Optional | boolean | Enables External Reference parameters. This includes all parameters prefixed with EXTERNAL . |
ENABLEADDINFOBOND | Optional | boolean | Enables Bond parameters |
Security Configuration
Name | Required | Type | Description |
EDITTYPE | Optional | string | Edit policy for the transaction type in the Security Configuration. Use No Edit to specify that the user cannot edit this transaction after it is created, Before Printing to specify that the user can edit this transaction until it has been printed to PDF, or All to specify that the user can edit this transaction as allowed by the transaction’s condition. (Default: No Edit ) |
DELTYPE | Optional | string | Delete policy for the transaction type in the Security Configuration. Use No Edit to specify that the user cannot delete this transaction after it is created, Before Printing to specify that the user can delete this transaction until it has been printed to PDF, or All to specify that the user can delete this transaction as allowed by the transaction’s condition. (Default: No Edit ) |
CREATETYPE | Optional | string | Create policy for the transaction type in the Security Configuration. Use New document or Convert to specify that the user can create this transaction as a standalone transaction or by converting the previous transaction in the workflow, or use Convert only to specify that the user can create this transaction only by converting the previous transaction in the workflow. (Default: New document or Convert ) |
TD_CREATION_RULE | Optional | string | Create-transactions-in policy for the transaction type in the Security Configuration. Use Top level or Entity , Top level only , or Entity only . (Default: Top level or Entity ) |
Entity Settings
Name | Required | Type | Description |
ENTITY_PROPS | Optional | ENTITY_PROP [1..n] |
Entity settings. Available only if the Create-transactions-in policy in the Security Configuration is set to Top level or entity or Entity only . If you omit this array, all entities use the defaults set in the General tab. |
These settings are only applicable when a transaction is created from the entity, not the top level.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
ENTITY_NAME | Optional | string | Entity ID |
SEQUENCE | Optional | string | Numbering sequence for the transaction within this entity. If not provided, transactions need to be numbered manually. |
PRESERVE_SEQNUM | Optional | boolean | Preserve sequence numbers so that numbers are not skipped. Use true to preserve sequences, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
INHERIT_SOURCE_DOCNO | Optional | boolean | Inherit the source document number from the transaction from which this transaction is converted. Use true to inherit the numbering, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
XSLTEMPLATE | Optional | string | Custom document template for printing. |
ENABLEOVERRIDETAX | Optional | string | Line item tax |
Update Purchasing Transaction Definition
Release | Changes |
2022 Release 1 | Added PRIMARYDOC |
2020 Release 4 | Added ENABLEDOCCHANGE |
2020 Release 1 | Added ENABLE_RETAINAGE |
2020 Release 1 | Added ALLOW_ALLOCATIONS |
2024 Release 4 | Update note about ENABLE_RETAINAGE |
If your transaction definition has entity properties, you need to include the entity ID (via ENTITY_NAME
) for each such entity for every update call regardless of other parameters you are providing. See Entity Settings below for more information.
Updates the description of a transaction definition:
Adds subtotals to the transaction definition:
<DESCRIPTION>Vendor Bill Percent Discount</DESCRIPTION>
Name | Required | Type | Description |
PODOCUMENTPARAMS | Optional | object | Object to update |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
RECORDNO | Required | integer | Transaction definition RECORDNO to update |
General Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
DESCRIPTION | Optional | string | Meaningful description for the transaction definition. Use 100 characters or fewer. |
DOCCLASS | Optional | string | Template type for the transaction. The type determines whether certain fields appear on the transaction (for example, Expiration Date vs. Ship Date). Use Quote , Order , List , Invoice , Adjustment , or Other . (Default: Quote ) |
CATEGORY | Optional | string | Workflow category. Use Quote , Order , Shipping , Invoice , or Return . (Default: Quote ) |
REPORTINGCATEGORY | Optional | string | Standard reporting categories for Construction projects. Use one of the following or a null value: Bids and Quotes , Purchase Orders , Purchase Order Change Orders , Purchase Receivers , Purchase Order Invoices , Purchase Returns , Purchase Credits , Purchase Debits , Purchase Clearing Receivers , Subcontract Bids , Subcontracts , Subcontract Change Orders , Subcontract Invoices , Internal Supply Requisitions , Purchase Requisitions , Blanket POs or Vendor Contracts , Grant Requests , or Grant Awards . |
STATUS | Optional | string | Status for the transaction definition. Use Active or Inactive . (Default: Active ) |
ENABLEDOCCHANGE | Optional | string | Enable change management for transactions. Use Enable Change for source transactions that can accept change orders, use Change Order for transactions that are themselves change orders, or No Change for transactions that do not use change management. You can modify an existing transaction definition to be a source. You can modify an existing transaction definition without any transactions to be a change order. You can modify an existing source transaction definition to prevent change orders if there aren’t already existing change orders. Finally, you can modify an existing change transaction definition without any transactions to remove change management. |
SEQUENCE | Optional | string | Numbering sequence for the transaction. If not provided, transactions must be numbered manually. |
PRESERVE_SEQNUM | Optional | boolean | Preserve sequence numbers so that numbers are not skipped. Use true to preserve sequences, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
INHERIT_SOURCE_DOCNO | Optional | boolean | Inherit the source document number from the transaction from which this transaction is converted. Use true to inherit the numbering, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
PRIMARYDOC | Optional | boolean | Enables the primary document feature within a workflow. Use true to enable, false otherwise. When set to true , all documents created using the purchasing transaction definition are marked as primary documents, and all documents that result from conversions or change orders from a primary document have links back to the primary document. Available in companies with a Construction subscription. When you set PRIMARYDOC to true , you can’t disable it. (Default: false ) |
Inventory Control Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
TOTALS | Optional | TOTAL [1…n] |
Inventory Control totals. Your company must subscribe to Inventory Control. |
WARNONLOWQTY | Optional | boolean | Warn user if item ONHAND quantity falls below zero. Use true to warn, false otherwise. (Default: true ) |
IN_OUT | Optional | string | Increases/decreases inventory and billings. Use Increase or Decrease . (Default: Increase ) |
WAREHOUSESELMETHOD | Optional | string | Warehouse selection method. Use Sort by ID , Sort by Name , Warehouse with Available Inventory , or Use the default warehouse . (Default: Sort by ID ) |
DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE | Optional | string | Default warehouse. Only applicable if warehouse selection method is set to Use the default warehouse . A user’s Default warehouse setting overrides this selection. |
To add inventory totals using the API, provide a complete set with both the existing ones and the new ones. To delete a an inventory total, use the UI.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
TOTALID | Optional | string | Inventory total ID. Use DAMAGED , ONHAND , ONHOLD , ONORDER , REQUISITIONED , SCRAP OR SPOILAGE or a custom inventory total. |
Q_QV | Optional | string | Maintain inventory. Use Quantity , Value , or Quantity & Value . |
SIGN | Optional | string | Add/Subtract. Use Add or Subtract . |
Accounting Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
SHOW_TOTALS | Optional | boolean | Enable subtotals. Use true to enable subtotals, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
LINELEVELSIMPLETAX | Optional | boolean | Enable line level Simple Tax. Use true to enable line level Simple Tax, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
SUBTOTALS | Optional | SUBTOTAL [1..n] |
Transaction subtotals. Only applicable when subtotals are enabled (via SHOW_TOTALS ). |
ENABLEOVERRIDETAX | Optional | string | Line item tax. Specifies whether the user can override whether an item is taxable. Only applicable when subtotals are enabled (via SHOW_TOTALS ). |
SHOWEXPANDEDTOTALS | Optional | string | Show expanded tax details in the transaction user interface and in the printed output. Only applicable when subtotals are enabled (via SHOW_TOTALS ) for companies that use Avalara tax or Intacct Advanced Tax.(Default: false ) |
OVERRIDE_PRICE | Optional | boolean | Override suggested price. Specifies whether the user can override the price proposed by the system. Use true if you want to allow this, false otherwise. (Default: true ) |
OVERRIDE_EXCH_RATE_TYPE | Optional | boolean | Exchange rate and exchange rate type. Specifies whether the user can edit the Exchange rate and/or Exchange rate type fields on the transaction. Use true if you want to allow this, false otherwise. (Default: true ) |
EXCHRATETYPES | Optional | string | Exchange rate type for custom exchange rate. Only applicable for multi-currency companies. |
DISPLAY_BASECURRENCY | Optional | boolean | Display base currency as well as transaction currency for multi-currency. Use true to display both, false otherwise. Only applicable for multi-currency companies. (Default: false ) |
UPDATES_GL | Optional | string | Transaction posting. Use A for Accounts Payable, G for General Ledger, or N for Don’t Post. If you specify Accounts Payable or General Ledger, you must supply the Transaction posting account mapping (via AR_ACCOUNTS ) in the Posting Configuration. |
AR_ACCOUNTS | Optional | AR_ACCOUNT [2] |
Transaction posting account mapping for either Accounts Payable or General Ledger transaction posting. There must be one credit and one debit account. Note: AR_ACCOUNT is shared across applications, which is why there isn’t an AP_ACCOUNT mapping parameter as you might expect. |
POSTTOGL | Optional | boolean | Enable reversal posting, which can be any additional posting, not just for reversals. Use true to enable, false otherwise. If set to true , you must supply the Reversal GL entry account mapping in the Posting Configuration. (Default: false ) |
DISABLEVAT | Optional | boolean | For a VAT enabled company, disables tax capture for the general ledger. (Default: false ) (AU, GB, ZA only) |
Reversal GL entry account mapping in the Posting Configuration. There must be one credit and one debit account. |
ALLOW_ALLOCATIONS | Optional | boolean | Enable transaction allocations. Set to true to allow line-level transaction allocations for non-inventory items. |
ENABLE_RETAINAGE | Optional | boolean | Enable retainage for transactions for Construction projects. Set to true to allow retainages. (Construction or Projects subscription). |
You can overwrite existing subtotals. If you want to add new subtotals, provide a complete set with both the existing ones and the new ones. To delete subtotals, use the UI.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
DESCRIPTION | Optional | string | Description for the transaction subtotal |
DISC_CHARGE | Optional | string | Subtotal type. Use Discount or Charge . |
BASELINE | Optional | integer | Applied to line |
AMT_PERC | Optional | string | Value type. Use Amount or Percent . |
VALUE | Optional | integer | Value |
DEBIT_CREDIT | Optional | string | Debit/Credit. Use Debit or Credit . |
GLACCOUNT | Optional | string | GL Account |
GLOFFSETACCOUNT | Optional | string | GL Offset Account |
APPORTIONED | Optional | boolean | Apportioned. Use true for apportioned, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
ISTAX | Optional | boolean | Is Tax. Use true to flag the subtotal as a tax, false otherwise. If your organization uses Simple Tax, Advanced Tax, or Avalara Tax, set this option to true . (Default: false ) |
Posting Configuration
Details for AP account mapping or Transaction posting GL account mapping. Accounts Payable or General Ledger must be specified as the transaction posting option (via UPDATES_GL
) for this to apply. There must be one credit and one debit account, and there must be one offset account.
is shared across applications, which is why there isn’t an AP_ACCOUNT
mapping parameter as you might expect.
You can overwrite existing mappings. If you want to add new mappings, provide a complete set with both the existing ones and the new ones. To delete mappings, use the UI.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
ITEM_GLGROUP | Optional | string | Item GL Group |
WAREHOUSE | Optional | string | Warehouse |
ENT_GLGROUP | Optional | string | Vendor GL Group. |
DEBIT_CREDIT | Optional | string | Debit/Credit. Use Debit or Credit . |
GLACCOUNT | Optional | string | GL Account |
ISOFFSET | Optional | boolean | Is Offset? Use true to indicate this is an offset account, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
Details for Reversal GL entry account mapping. Reversal posting must be enabled (viaPOSTTOGL
) for this to apply. There must be one credit and one debit account, and there must be one offset account.
You can overwrite existing mappings. If you want to add new mappings, provide a complete set with both the existing ones and the new ones. To delete mappings, use the UI.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
ITEM_GLGROUP | Optional | string | Item GL Group |
WAREHOUSE | Optional | string | Warehouse |
DEBIT_CREDIT | Optional | string | Debit/Credit. Use Debit or Credit . |
GLACCOUNT | Optional | string | GL Account |
ISOFFSET | Optional | boolean | Is Offset? Use true to indicate this is an offset account, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
Workflow Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
RECALLS | Optional | RECALL [1..n] |
Transaction definitions from which this transaction can be converted. If this transaction definition is the first step in your workflow, omit this parameter. |
CONVTYPE | Optional | string | Partial conversion handling. Use Close Transaction , Leave Transaction Open , or Close Original and Create Back Order . (Default: Close Transaction ) |
PRICELISTID | Optional | string | Initial price list. If you are using layered price lists, this indicates the first price list the system will evaluate when determining a suggested transaction price. |
SPECIAL_PRICELISTID | Optional | string | Special price list. If you are using layered price lists, this indicates a special price list (for example, a discounted price list or seasonal price list). |
UPDATES_PRICELISTID | Optional | string | Price list to update. If you are using layered price lists, this indicates a special price list such as a seasonal one (typically not used). |
CREDITLIMITCHECK | Optional | boolean | Enforce credit limit. Specifies whether to enforce customer credit limit restrictions in transactions created from this template. Use true for needing a credit check, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
TERM_NAME | Optional | string | Default AP term. If selected, the system auto-populates the Expiration date for quotes and the Date due for invoices based on the selected term. |
You can overwrite existing definitions. If you want to add new definitions, provide a complete set with both the existing ones and the new ones. To delete definitions, use the UI.
RECDOCPAR | Optional | string | Transaction definition from which this transaction can be converted from as part of a workflow. |
Printing Properties
Name | Required | Type | Description |
XSLTEMPLATE | Optional | string | Custom document template for printing. |
FIXED_MESG | Optional | string | Optional default text. Only applicable if a custom document template for printing is not used. Use 4000 or fewer characters. |
CONTACTTITLE1 | Optional | string | Contact Title label change for Pay to label. Use 20 or fewer characters. |
SHOWTTITLE1 | Optional | boolean | Show on Print for Pay to label for CONTACTTITLE1. Use true to show the title, false otherwise. |
ALLOWEDITBILLTO | Optional | boolean | Allow Editing for Pay to label for CONTACTTITLE1. Use true to allow the user to select a contact other than the default, false otherwise. |
CONTACTTITLE2 | Optional | string | Contact Title label change for Return to label. Use 20 or fewer characters. |
SHOWTTITLE2 | Optional | boolean | Enable Show on Print for the Return to label for CONTACTTITLE2. Use true to show the title, false otherwise. |
ALLOWEDITSHIPTO | Optional | boolean | Enable Allow Editing for the Return to label for CONTACTTITLE2. Use true to allow the user to select a contact other than the default, false otherwise. |
CONTACTTITLE3 | Optional | string | Contact Title label change for Deliver to label. Use 20 or fewer characters. |
SHOWTTITLE3 | Optional | boolean | Enable Show on Print for Deliver to label for CONTACTTITLE3. Use true to show the title, false otherwise. |
ALLOWEDITDELIVERTO | Optional | boolean | Enable Allow Editing for the Deliver to label for CONTACTTITLE3. Use true to allow the user to select a contact other than the default, false otherwise. |
Additional Information Properties
Details related to Construction projects, useful for working with subcontractors.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
ENABLEADDINFOSCOPE | Optional | boolean | Enables Scope parameters. This includes SCOPE , INCLUSIONS , EXCLUSIONS , and TERMS |
ENABLEADDINFOINTERNALREF | Optional | boolean | Enables Internal Reference parameters. This includes all parameters prefixed with INTERNAL |
ENABLEADDINFOEXTERNALREF | Optional | boolean | Enables External Reference parameters. This includes all parameters prefixed with EXTERNAL |
Security Configuration
Name | Required | Type | Description |
EDITTYPE | Optional | string | Edit policy for the transaction type in the Security Configuration. Use No Edit to specify that the user cannot edit this transaction after it is created, Before Printing to specify that the user can edit this transaction until it has been printed to PDF, or All to specify that the user can edit this transaction as allowed by the transaction’s condition. (Default: No Edit ) |
DELTYPE | Optional | string | Delete policy for the transaction type in the Security Configuration. Use No Edit to specify that the user cannot delete this transaction after it is created, Before Printing to specify that the user can delete this transaction until it has been printed to PDF, or All to specify that the user can delete this transaction as allowed by the transaction’s condition. (Default: No Edit ) |
CREATETYPE | Optional | string | Create policy for the transaction type in the Security Configuration. Use New document or Convert to specify that the user can create this transaction as a standalone transaction or by converting the previous transaction in the workflow, or use Convert only to specify that the user can create this transaction only by converting the previous transaction in the workflow. (Default: New document or Convert ) |
TD_CREATION_RULE | Optional | string | Create-transactions-in policy for the transaction type in the Security Configuration. Use Top level or Entity , Top level only , or Entity only . (Default: Top level or Entity ) |
Entity Settings
Name | Required | Type | Description |
ENTITY_PROPS | Optional | ENTITY_PROP [1..n] |
Entity settings. Available only if the Create-transactions-in policy in the Security Configuration is set to Top level or entity or Entity only . If you omit this array, all entities use the defaults set in the General tab. |
These settings are only applicable when a transaction is created from the entity, not the top level.
If your transaction definition has entity properties, you need to include the entity ID (via ENTITY_NAME
) for each entity for every update call regardless of other parameters you are providing. This includes unrelated parameters such as the description or the status. Providing only the entity ID inside the ENTITY_PROP
array means that any previously specified entity settings will be retained. You can also provide only those parameters that you want modified along with the entity ID.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
ENTITY_NAME | Optional | string | Entity ID |
SEQUENCE | Optional | string | Numbering sequence for the transaction within this entity. If not provided, transactions need to be numbered manually. |
PRESERVE_SEQNUM | Optional | boolean | Preserve sequence numbers so that numbers are not skipped. Use true to preserve sequences, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
INHERIT_SOURCE_DOCNO | Optional | boolean | Inherit the source document number from the transaction from which this transaction is converted. Use true to inherit the numbering, false otherwise. (Default: false ) |
XSLTEMPLATE | Optional | string | Custom document template for printing. |
ENABLEOVERRIDETAX | Optional | string | Line item tax |
Delete Purchasing Transaction Definition
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string | Use PODOCUMENTPARAMS |
keys | Required | string | Comma-separated list of purchasing Transaction definition RECORDNO to delete |