- Get Project Object Definition
- Query and List Projects
- Query and List Projects (Legacy)
- Get Project
- Get Project by ID
- Create Project
- Update Project
- Delete Project
Projects enable services companies to automate many of the functions of project management.
Get Project Object Definition
List all the fields and relationships for the project object:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string | Use PROJECT |
Query and List Projects
List the product ID and currency for each project:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string | Use PROJECT |
filter | Optional | object | Filter expression to limit the response to only objects that match the expression. Check the value of a single field using operators such as equalto/like, or multiple fields using and/or. Query fields on related objects using the dot operator (for example, VENDOR.CREDITLIMIT on APBILL). |
select | Required | sequence | The names of the fields that you want included in the response, and an optional aggregate function such as count or sum . Returning all fields is not supported. |
orderby | Optional | object | Provide an order element with a field name and choose an ascending or descending sort order, for example: <order> |
options | Optional | object | Query options:
pagesize | Optional | integer | Maximum number of matching objects to return in the response, between 1 and 2000 items (Default: 100 ) |
offset | Optional | integer | Point at which to start indexing into records (Default: 0 ) |
Query and List Projects (Legacy)
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string | Use PROJECT |
fields | Optional | string | Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value. |
query | Required | string | SQL-like query based on fields on the object. The following operators are supported: < , > , >= , <= , = , like , not like , in , not in , IS NOT NULL , IS NULL , AND , OR . Illegal XML characters must be properly encoded, and single quotes must be escaped with backslashes ('Jane\'s Deli' ). Joins are not supported. |
pagesize | Optional | integer | Custom page size between 1 and 1000 items (Default: 100 ) |
Get Project
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string | Use PROJECT |
keys | Required | string | Comma-separated list of project RECORDNO to get |
fields | Optional | string | Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. |
returnFormat | Optional | string | Data format for the response body:
Get Project by ID
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string | Use PROJECT |
keys | Required | string | Comma-separated list of project PROJECTID to get |
fields | Optional | string | Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. |
returnFormat | Optional | string | Data format for the response body:
Create Project
Release | Changes |
<NAME>hello world</NAME>
Name | Required | Type | Description |
PROJECT | Required | object | Object to create |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
PROJECTID | Optional | string | Unique ID for the project. Required if company does not use document sequencing, or you can provide a value to use instead of the document sequence value. |
NAME | Required | string | Name |
PROJECTCATEGORY | Required | string | Project category |
DESCRIPTION | Optional | string | Description |
PARENTID | Optional | string | Parent project ID |
INVOICEWITHPARENT | Optional | boolean | Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false ) |
PROJECTTYPE | Optional | string | Project type |
PROJECTSTATUS | Optional | string | Project status |
STATUS | Optional | string | Status. Use active for Active otherwise use inactive for Inactive. (Default: active ) |
CUSTOMERID | Optional | string | Customer ID |
MANAGERID | Optional | string | Project manager employee ID |
CUSTUSERID | Optional | string | External user ID |
SALESCONTACTID | Optional | string | Sales contact employee ID |
DOCNUMBER | Optional | string | Reference number |
USERRESTRICTIONS | Optional | string | User restrictions |
CFDA | Optional | string | Stores information about grants from the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. Typically used for the CFDA number (for example, 93.053 for the Nutrition Services Incentive Program). |
FUNDEDNAME | Optional | string | Name of the project that received funding, such as Nutrition for children . |
AGENCY | Optional | string | Agency responsible for funding, such as HHS . |
PAYER | Optional | string | Source of the funding, either Federal or Third-party . |
FUNDINGOTHERID | Optional | string | Another ID for the source of the funding |
ASSISTANCETYPE | Optional | string | Type of funding, either Cash or Non-cash . |
REVRESTRICTION | Optional | string | Specifies how the received revenue can be restricted. Use Purpose , Time , or NA . |
RESTRICTIONEXPIRY | Optional | string | Time period by which the received funds must be spent according to Federal law. Can designate years, days, or months. |
RESTRICTIONEXPIRATIONDATE | Optional | string | Date when the received funds expire in themm/dd/yyyy format. Funds often expire at the end of the fiscal year for which they were appropriated. |
TIMESATISFACTIONSCHEDULED | Optional | boolean | If true , specifies that the necessary recurring entry for the release of restriction (per the schedule associated with the funding) has been created. |
CONTACTINFO | Optional | object | Primary contact |
BILLTO | Optional | object | Bill to contact |
SHIPTO | Optional | object | Ship to contact |
TERMNAME | Optional | string | Payment term |
BILLINGTYPE | Optional | string | Billing type |
BEGINDATE | Optional | string | Begin date in format mm/dd/yyyy |
ENDDATE | Optional | string | End date in format mm/dd/yyyy |
DEPARTMENTID | Optional | string | Department ID |
LOCATIONID | Optional | string | LOCATIONID of an active location. Required if company is multi-entity enabled. |
CLASSID | Optional | string | Class ID |
SUPDOCID | Optional | string | Attachments ID |
BILLABLEEXPDEFAULT | Optional | boolean | Billable employee expense. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false ) |
BILLABLEAPPODEFAULT | Optional | boolean | Billable AP/purchasing. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false ) |
CURRENCY | Optional | string | Currency code |
SONUMBER | Optional | string | Sales order number |
PONUMBER | Optional | string | Purchase order number |
POAMOUNT | Optional | currency | Purchase order amount |
PQNUMBER | Optional | string | Purchase quote number |
CONTRACTAMOUNT | Optional | currency | Contract amount |
Transaction rules for project. Multiple PROJECT_RULES elements may be passed. |
BILLINGPRICING | Optional | string | Labor pricing option |
BILLINGRATE | Optional | number | Labor pricing default rate |
EXPENSEPRICING | Optional | string | Expense pricing option |
EXPENSERATE | Optional | number | Expense pricing default rate |
POAPPRICING | Optional | string | AP/purchasing pricing option |
POAPRATE | Optional | number | AP/purchasing pricing default rate |
BUDGETAMOUNT | Optional | currency | Budgeted billing amount |
BUDGETEDCOST | Optional | currency | Budgeted cost |
BUDGETQTY | Optional | number | Budgeted duration |
BUDGETID | Optional | string | GL budget ID |
INVOICEMESSAGE | Optional | string | Invoice message |
INVOICECURRENCY | Optional | string | Invoice currency code |
SCOPE | Optional | string | Expected scope of the work for the project. |
INCLUSIONS | Optional | string | Inclusions as part of the project. |
EXCLUSIONS | Optional | string | Exclusions as part of the project. |
TERMS | Optional | string | Terms of the project. |
SCHEDULEDSTARTDATE | Optional | string | Scheduled start date of the project in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
ACTUALSTARTDATE | Optional | string | Actual start date of the project in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
SCHEDULEDCOMPLETIONDATE | Optional | string | Scheduled completion date in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
REVISEDCOMPLETIONDATE | Optional | string | Revised completion date in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
SUBSTANTIALCOMPLETIONDATE | Optional | string | Substantial completion date in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
ACTUALCOMPLETIONDATE | Optional | string | Actual completion date in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
NOTICETOPROCEED | Optional | string | Date of notice to proceed in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
RESPONSEDUE | Optional | string | Date that the response for the project is due in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
EXECUTEON | Optional | string | Date that the project is executed on in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
SCHEDULEDIMPACT | Optional | string | Description of the impact of the project on the schedule. |
Custom field name | varies | varies | Custom field names and values as defined for this object. For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~# . |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
CONTACTNAME | Required | string | Primary contact name |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
CONTACTNAME | Required | string | Bill to contact name |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
CONTACTNAME | Required | string | Ship to contact name |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
RULENAME | Required | string | Transaction rule name |
Update Project
Release | Changes |
You can update an existing project as described here. If you want to provide observed-percent-completed information for a project, see Project Observed Percent Completed.
<NAME>hello world</NAME>
Update a project with 2 transaction rules:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
PROJECT | Required | object | Object to update |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
RECORDNO | Optional | integer | Project record number to update. Required if not using PROJECTID . |
PROJECTID | Optional | string | Project ID. Required if not using RECORDNO . |
NAME | Optional | string | Name |
PROJECTCATEGORY | Optional | string | Project category |
DESCRIPTION | Optional | string | Description |
PARENTID | Optional | string | Parent project ID |
INVOICEWITHPARENT | Optional | boolean | Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false ) |
PROJECTTYPE | Optional | string | Project type |
PROJECTSTATUS | Optional | string | Project status |
STATUS | Optional | string | Status. Use active for Active otherwise use inactive for Inactive. (Default: active ) |
CUSTOMERID | Optional | string | Customer ID |
MANAGERID | Optional | string | Project manager employee ID |
CUSTUSERID | Optional | string | External user ID |
SALESCONTACTID | Optional | string | Sales contact employee ID |
DOCNUMBER | Optional | string | Reference number |
USERRESTRICTIONS | Optional | string | User restrictions |
CFDA | Optional | string | Stores information about grants from the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. Typically used for the CFDA number (for example, 93.053 for the Nutrition Services Incentive Program). |
FUNDEDNAME | Optional | string | Name of the project that received funding, such as Nutrition for children . |
AGENCY | Optional | string | Agency responsible for funding, such as HHS . |
PAYER | Optional | string | Source of the funding, either Federal or Third-party . |
FUNDINGOTHERID | Optional | string | Another ID for the source of the funding |
ASSISTANCETYPE | Optional | string | Type of funding, either Cash or Non-cash . |
REVRESTRICTION | Optional | string | Specifies how the received revenue can be restricted. Use Purpose , Time , or NA . |
RESTRICTIONEXPIRY | Optional | string | Time period by which the received funds must be spent according to Federal law. Can designate years, days, or months. |
RESTRICTIONEXPIRATIONDATE | Optional | string | Date when the received funds expire in themm/dd/yyyy format. Funds often expire at the end of the fiscal year for which they were appropriated. |
TIMESATISFACTIONSCHEDULED | Optional | boolean | If true , specifies that the necessary recurring entry for the release of restriction (per the schedule associated with the funding) has been created. |
CONTACTINFO | Optional | object | Primary contact |
BILLTO | Optional | object | Bill to contact |
SHIPTO | Optional | object | Ship to contact |
TERMNAME | Optional | string | Payment term |
BILLINGTYPE | Optional | string | Billing type |
BEGINDATE | Optional | string | Begin date in format mm/dd/yyyy |
ENDDATE | Optional | string | End date in format mm/dd/yyyy |
DEPARTMENTID | Optional | string | Department ID |
LOCATIONID | Optional | string | LOCATIONID of an active location. Required if company is multi-entity enabled. |
CLASSID | Optional | string | Class ID |
SUPDOCID | Optional | string | Attachments ID |
BILLABLEEXPDEFAULT | Optional | boolean | Billable employee expense. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false ) |
BILLABLEAPPODEFAULT | Optional | boolean | Billable AP/purchasing. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false ) |
CURRENCY | Optional | string | Currency code |
SONUMBER | Optional | string | Sales order number |
PONUMBER | Optional | string | Purchase order number |
POAMOUNT | Optional | currency | Purchase order amount |
PQNUMBER | Optional | string | Purchase quote number |
CONTRACTAMOUNT | Optional | currency | Contract amount |
Transaction rules for project. Multiple PROJECT_RULES elements may be passed. This is a complete replace, so you must pass all existing rules you want to keep. |
BILLINGPRICING | Optional | string | Labor pricing option |
BILLINGRATE | Optional | number | Labor pricing default rate |
EXPENSEPRICING | Optional | string | Expense pricing option |
EXPENSERATE | Optional | number | Expense pricing default rate |
POAPPRICING | Optional | string | AP/purchasing pricing option |
POAPRATE | Optional | number | AP/purchasing pricing default rate |
BUDGETAMOUNT | Optional | currency | Budgeted billing amount |
BUDGETEDCOST | Optional | currency | Budgeted cost |
BUDGETQTY | Optional | number | Budgeted duration |
BUDGETID | Optional | string | GL budget ID |
INVOICEMESSAGE | Optional | string | Invoice message |
INVOICECURRENCY | Optional | string | Invoice currency code |
SCOPE | Optional | string | Expected scope of the work for the project. |
INCLUSIONS | Optional | string | Inclusions as part of the project. |
EXCLUSIONS | Optional | string | Exclusions as part of the project. |
TERMS | Optional | string | Terms of the project. |
SCHEDULEDSTARTDATE | Optional | string | Scheduled start date of the project in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
ACTUALSTARTDATE | Optional | string | Actual start date of the project in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
SCHEDULEDCOMPLETIONDATE | Optional | string | Scheduled completion date in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
REVISEDCOMPLETIONDATE | Optional | string | Revised completion date in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
SUBSTANTIALCOMPLETIONDATE | Optional | string | Substantial completion date in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
ACTUALCOMPLETIONDATE | Optional | string | Actual completion date in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
NOTICETOPROCEED | Optional | string | Date of notice to proceed in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
RESPONSEDUE | Optional | string | Date that the response for the project is due in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
EXECUTEON | Optional | string | Date that the project is executed on in format mm/dd/yyyy. |
SCHEDULEDIMPACT | Optional | string | Description of the impact of the project on the schedule. |
Custom field name | varies | varies | Custom field names and values as defined for this object. For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~# . |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
CONTACTNAME | Required | string | Primary contact name |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
CONTACTNAME | Required | string | Bill to contact name |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
CONTACTNAME | Required | string | Ship to contact name |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
RULENAME | Required | string | Transaction rule name |
Delete Project
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string | Use PROJECT |
keys | Required | string | Comma-separated list of project RECORDNO to delete |