Items are goods, services, or kits that you purchase from vendors or sell to customers. Items are used in Inventory Control, Order Entry, and Purchasing.

The type of an item (ITEMTYPE) affects other item parameters. Possible item types are:

  • Inventory - Items that will be available in inventory, sales, and purchasing transactions.
  • Non-Inventory - Items that will be available in both sales and purchasing transactions or contracts. They can also appear in inventory if ENABLEFULFILLMENT is true.
  • Non-Inventory (Purchase only) - Items that will only be available in purchasing transactions or contract expenses.
  • Non-Inventory (Sales only) - Items that will only be available in sales transactions or contracts.
  • Kit - The parent item of a (non-stockable) kit (which is assembled from other items at the time of the order). This type is only available if Kits is enabled in either Order Entry or Inventory Control.
  • Stockable Kit - The parent item of a stockable kit (which is assembled from other items and stored before order). This type is only available if Stockable kits is enabled in Inventory Control.

Get Item Object Definition


List all the fields and relationships for the item object:



Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use ITEM

Query and List Items


List all inventory items:


List all items that allow multiple tax groups (GB, AU, and ZA only):



Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use ITEM
filter Optional object Filter expression to limit the response to only objects that match the expression. Check the value of a single field using operators such as equalto/like, or multiple fields using and/or. Query fields on related objects using the dot operator (for example, VENDOR.CREDITLIMIT on APBILL).
select Required sequence The names of the fields that you want included in the response, and an optional aggregate function such as count or sum. Returning all fields is not supported.
orderby Optional object Provide an order element with a field name and choose an ascending or descending sort order, for example:
options Optional object Query options:
  • Set the caseinsensitive element to true for a case-insensitive query
  • In a multi-entity company, set the showprivate element to true to query data in private entities:
  • Specify the returnformat for the response: xml (default), json, or csv
pagesize Optional integer Maximum number of matching objects to return in the response, between 1 and 2000 items (Default: 100)
offset Optional integer Point at which to start indexing into records (Default: 0)

Query and List Items (Legacy)




Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use ITEM
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
query Required string SQL-like query based on fields on the object. The following operators are supported: <, >, >=, <=, =, like, not like, in, not in, IS NOT NULL, IS NULL, AND, OR. Illegal XML characters must be properly encoded, and single quotes must be escaped with backslashes ('Jane\'s Deli'). Joins are not supported.
pagesize Optional integer Custom page size between 1 and 1000 items (Default: 100)

Item-specific query fields and values:

Name Required Type Description
ITEMTYPE Optional string Item type.
  • I - Inventory
  • NI - Non-Inventory
  • NP - Non-Inventory (Purchase only)
  • NS - Non-Inventory (Sales only)
  • K - Kit
  • SK - Stockable Kit
COST_METHOD Optional string Cost method.
  • Standard
  • Average
  • FIFO
  • LIFO
VSOECATEGORY Optional string VSOE category.
  • PSD - Product - Specified
  • PUS - Product - Unspecified
  • USD - Upgrade - Specified
  • USS - Upgrade - Unspecified
  • SFW - Software
  • SVR - Services
  • PCS - Post Contract Support
VSOEDLVRSTATUS Optional string VSOE default deferral status.
  • D - Delivered
  • U - Undelivered
VSOEREVDEFSTATUS Optional string VSOE default deferral status.
  • I - Defer until item is delivered
  • B - Defer bundle until item is delivered.
REVPOSTING Optional string Kit revenue posting.
  • I - Component level
  • K - Kit level
REVPRINTING Optional string Kit print format.
  • I - Individual components
  • K - Kit
TERMPERIOD Optional string Periods measured in.
  • D - Days
  • W - Weeks
  • M - Months
  • Y - Years

Get an Item




Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use ITEM.
keys Required string Comma-separated list of RECORDNO of item to get.
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Get Item by ID




Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use ITEM.
keys Required string Comma-separated list of ITEMID of the item to get.
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Create an Item

Release Changes
2022 Release 2 Added ENABLEFULFILLMENT
2021 Release 3 Added DENSITYUOM, DENSITY
2019 Release 4 Added AUTOPRINTLABEL
2023 Release 4 Added CONTRACTENABLED


Create an item:

        <NAME>hello world</NAME>

Create an item with landed costs:


Create an item with replenishment features. For this example, warehouse WH01 has a shorter lead time (3 days) for parts ordered from the nearby Snap Hardware distributor. For other warehouses, the lead time would be taken from the vendor entry under VENDORINFO.

        <ITEMID>Hex bolt-033</ITEMID>
        <NAME>Hex bolt 2 inch</NAME>
        <!-- Apply across vendors (Vendor history tab) -->
        <!-- end -->
                <!-- Apply for warehouse/vendor combo (General tab, Warehouse, VENDOR ENTRIES) -->
                    <VENDORID>Snap Hardware</VENDORID>
                    <LEAD_TIME>3</LEAD_TIME>  <!-- Short lead time from Snap Hardware to WH01 -->
                <!-- end -->
            <!-- Apply for this vendor for all except warehouse WH01 (Vendor history tab, Vendor entries) -->
                <VENDORID>Bosco Parts</VENDORID>
                <VENDORID>Snap Hardware</VENDORID>
            <!-- end -->

Create an item with two tax groups:

        <NAME>Spark Plugs for Car</NAME>
                    <NAME>Goods Standard Rate</NAME>
                    <NAME>No VAT</NAME>


Name Required Type Description
ITEM Required object Object type to create.


Name Required Type Description
ITEMID Required string Item ID to create.
NAME Required string Item name
STATUS Optional string Status.
  • active (default)
  • inactive
ITEMTYPE Required string Item type.
  • Inventory
  • Non-Inventory
  • Non-Inventory (Purchase only)
  • Non-Inventory (Sales only)
  • Kit
  • Stockable Kit
ENABLEFULFILLMENT Optional boolean Set to true to enable fulfillment for a non-inventory item that you want to be able to include in kits.
CONTRACTENABLED Optional boolean If ITEMTYPE is set to kit, this field must be set to true to indicate that kits are enabled for contracts and that the item must adhere to restrictions for the kit.
PRODUCTLINEID Optional string PRODUCTLINEID of the product line that you want to add this product to.
COST_METHOD Optional string Cost method.
  • Standard
  • Average
  • FIFO
  • LIFO
EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION Optional string Extended description
PODESCRIPTION Optional string Purchasing description
SODESCRIPTION Optional string Sales description
UOMGRP Optional string Unit of measure group.
  • Area
  • Count
  • Duration
  • Length
  • Numbers
  • Time
  • Volume
  • Weight
  • an existing custom group name
NOTE Optional string Note
GLGROUP Optional string Item GL group name
DEFAULT_CONVERSIONTYPE Optional string Transaction workflow conversion type. Required if Enable price conversion Order Entry/Purchasing configuration option is enabled.
  • Price
  • Quantity (default)
STANDARD_COST Optional currency Standard cost
BASEPRICE Optional currency Base price
TAXABLE Optional boolean Taxable.
  • true - Yes (default)
  • false - No
TAXGROUP Optional object Item tax group
ALLOWMULTIPLETAXGRPS Optional boolean Allow multiple item tax groups per item, which is needed when an item is taxed at different rates in different tax jurisdictions.
  • false (default)
  • true - allow multiple item tax groups
When you set this to true and provide an item tax group mapping (ITEMTAXGRPITEMMAPS), the tax group at the header level is ignored and the mapping is used instead. (GB, AU, and ZA only)
ITEMTAXGRPITEMMAPS Optional array of ITEMTAXGRPITEMMAP Required when ALLOWMULTIPLETAXGRPS is set to true. Maps item to different tax groups that are available with the given tax solution. (GB, AU, and ZA only)
DEFAULTREVRECTEMPLKEY Optional string Default revenue recognition template ID
INCOMEACCTKEY Optional string Revenue GL account number
INVACCTKEY Optional string Inventory GL account number
EXPENSEACCTKEY Optional string Expense GL account number
COGSACCTKEY Optional string COGS GL account number
OFFSETOEGLACCOUNTKEY Optional string AR GL account number
OFFSETPOGLACCOUNTKEY Optional string AP GL account number
DEFERREDREVACCTKEY Optional string Deferred revenue GL account number
VSOECATEGORY Optional string VSOE category.
  • Product - Specified
  • Product - Unspecified
  • Upgrade - Specified
  • Upgrade - Unspecified
  • Software
  • Services
  • Post Contract Support(PCS)
VSOEDLVRSTATUS Optional string VSOE default delivery status.
  • Delivered
  • Undelivered
VSOEREVDEFSTATUS Optional string VSOE default deferral status.
  • Defer until item is delivered
  • Defer bundle until item is delivered
REVPOSTING Optional string Kit revenue posting.
  • Component Level
  • Kit Level
REVPRINTING Optional string Kit print format.
  • Individual Components
  • Kit
SUBSTITUTEID Optional string Substitute item ID
ENABLE_SERIALNO Optional boolean Serial tracking enabled.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
SERIAL_MASKKEY Optional string Serial number mask to enforce a specific format. Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
ENABLE_LOT_CATEGORY Optional boolean Lot tracking enabled.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
LOT_CATEGORYKEY Optional string Lot category. Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
ENABLE_BINS Optional boolean Bin tracking enabled.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
ENABLE_EXPIRATION Optional boolean Expiration tracking enabled.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
UPC Optional string UPC
INV_PRECISION Optional integer Inventory unit cost precision
SO_PRECISION Optional integer Sales unit cost precision
PO_PRECISION Optional integer Purchasing unit cost precision
ENABLELANDEDCOST Optional boolean Enable landed costs for Inventory item.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
LANDEDCOSTINFO Optional array of ITEMLANDEDCOST Information about landed cost mechanisms. ENABLELANDEDCOST must be set to true.
HASSTARTENDDATES Optional boolean Item has start and end dates.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
TERMPERIOD Optional string Periods measured in.
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Years
TOTALPERIODS Optional integer Number of periods
COMPUTEFORSHORTTERM Optional boolean Prorate price allowed.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
RENEWALMACROID Optional string Default renewal macro ID
ENABLE_REPLENISHMENT Optional boolean Enable replenishment for this item in the Vendor history.
  • true - Enable (default)
  • false - disable
DEFAULT_REPLENISHMENT_UOM Optional string Units of measure default for base units for inventory replenishment for this item in the Vendor history. For example, with the Count unit of measure group, you can specify each, dozen, or pair. See the information about unit of measure groups in the Sage Intacct product help.
REPLENISHMENT_METHOD Optional string Replenishment method for this item in the Vendor history. Specifies how the amount to reorder is calculated.
  • Reorder point - base calculation on a specific reorder quantity and optional safety stock quantity
  • Demand forecast by single value - base calculation on lead time for the vendor
  • Demand forecast by fluctuating values - base calculation on fluctuating forecast for an item
See the information about replenishment methods and calculations in the Sage Intacct product help. (Default: Reorder point or as configured for inventory)
SAFETY_STOCK Optional integer Safety stock for this item in the Vendor history. Extra quantity held in inventory to reduce the risk of stock outs due to uncertainty in supply and demand. (Default: 0)
MAX_ORDER_QTY Optional integer Maximum order quantity for this item in the Vendor history. Largest amount you can order in any one order. The value you provide may be affected by the economic order quantity and/or unit of measure set on the vendor. (Default is 0, meaning no maximum)
REORDER_POINT Optional integer Reorder point specifying the quantity of inventory that you don’t want to fall below. When the current net inventory falls to the reorder point plus the safety stock, the item is triggered for reorder. Use blank or positive integers. Applies when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Reorder point. (Default: 1)
REORDER_QTY Optional integer Reorder quantity for this item in the Vendor history. As an example, if 12 units are needed according to other replenishment calculations, a reorder quantity of 50 would cause the generated purchase order to be for 50. Applies when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Reorder point. (Default is 0, meaning no suggestion)
FORECAST_DEMAND_IN_LEAD_TIME Optional integer Forecast demand in lead time. Specifies the quantity of this item expected to be sold during the lead time. Valid values are blank, 0, and positive integers. Only applicable when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Demand forecast by a single value.
WAREHOUSEINFO Optional array of ITEMWAREHOUSEINFO Item Warehouse information. These parameter values override the replenishment values specified for the item in the Vendor history.
VENDORINFO Optional array of ITEMVENDOR Container for Vendor entries in Vendor history.
AUTOPRINTLABEL Optional boolean Auto print label. This parameter is used to trigger an integrated third-party tool that creates scanner labels.
  • false - do not print labels (default)
  • true - print labels
Optional string
The weight of the item: unit of measure, net weight and shipping weight (also called gross weight). You can specify SHIP_WEIGHT without WEIGHTUOM or NETWEIGHT, but if you specify NETWEIGHT you must also specify the other two. WEIGHTUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the Weight unit of measure.
Optional string
The size of the item, useful for calculating storage bin and shipping box size requirements. Specify the unit of measure and the length, width, and height. You must specify all four values or none. LWHUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
Optional string
The thickness of the item, useful for calculating storage bin or shipping box size requirements. Specify the unit of measure, actual thickness, and minimum and maximum thickness. You must specify all four values or none. If the item thickness does not vary, set all three thickness fields to the same value. THICKNESSUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
Optional string
The area of the item: unit of measure and area. You must specify both or neither. AREAUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the Area unit of measure.
Optional string
The volume of the item: unit of measure and total volume. You must specify both or neither. VOLUMEUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the Volume unit of measure.
Optional string
The diameter of the item: Unit of measure, and inner and outer diameter. You must specify all three or none. DIAMETERUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
DUROMETER Optional string Durometer (hardness) measurement of the item.
Optional string
The density of the item: unit of measure and density value.
UPC12 Optional Integer UPC-12, the 12-digit Univieral Product Code of the item.
EAN13 Optional integer EAN-13, the 13-digit International Article Number of the item.
SAFETYITEM Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Safety Item. (Default false)
RESTRICTEDITEM Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Restricted Item. (Default false)
COMPLIANTITEM Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Compliant Item. (Default false)
CONDITION Optional string Condition name or descriptor.
ENGINEERINGALERT Optional string Engineering Alert name or descriptor.
SPECIFICATION1 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 1.
SPECIFICATION2 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 2.
SPECIFICATION3 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 3.
  • true - the item is approved by Engineering
  • false - the item is not approved (default)
  • true - the item is approved by Quality Control
  • false - the item is not approved (default)
SALESAPPROVAL Optional boolean
  • true - the item is approved by Sales
  • false - the item is not approved (default)
PRIMARYCOUNTRYOFORIGIN Optional string Primary country of origin, for example “China 75%”.
BRAND Optional string Brand of the item.
SUBBRAND Optional string Sub brand of the item.
CATEGORY Optional string Category of the item.
SUBCATEGORY Optional string Sub category of the item.
CATALOGREF Optional string Catalog reference for the item.
COLOR Optional string Color of the item.
STYLE Optional string Style of the item.
SIZE1 Optional string Size 1 of the item.
SIZE2 Optional string Size 2 of the item.
GIFTCARD Optional boolean
  • true - the item is a gift card
  • false - the item is not a gift card (default)
WEBENABLED Optional boolean
  • true - the item is web enabled
  • false - the item is not web enabled (default)
WEBNAME Optional string Name of the item to appear on the web.
WEBSHORTDESC Optional string Short description for the web.
WEBLONGDESC Optional string Long description for the web.
Custom field name varies varies Custom field names and values as defined for this object.
For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


Name Required Type Description
NAME Required string Tax group name


Name Required Type Description
TAXGROUP Optional object Provides the tax group name. (GB, AU, and ZA only)
NAME Optional string Name of an item tax group name from the an available tax solution. (GB, AU, and ZA only)


Name Required Type Description
ITEMID Required string Item ID
METHOD Required string Landed cost mechanism.
  • Volume
  • Weight
  • Count
VALUE Required string Value for the landed cost
ACTIVE Optional boolean Status.
  • true - active
  • false - inactive


For the given warehouse, these parameter values override any replenishment values specified for the item in the Vendor history.

Name Required Type Description
WAREHOUSEID Required string WAREHOUSEID of an active warehouse.
ENABLE_REPLENISHMENT Optional boolean Enable replenishment for this item and warehouse combination.
  • true - enable replenishment (default)
  • false - do not enable
REPLENISHMENT_METHOD Optional string Replenishment method. Specifies how the amount to reorder is calculated.
  • Reorder point - base calculation on a specific reorder quantity and optional safety stock quantity
  • Demand forecast by single value - base calculation on lead time for the vendor
  • Demand forecast by fluctuating values - base calculation on fluctuating forecast for an item
See the information about replenishment methods and calculations in the Sage Intacct product help. (Default: Reorder point or as configured for inventory)
SAFETY_STOCK Optional integer Safety stock. Extra quantity held in inventory to reduce the risk of stock outs due to uncertainty in supply and demand. (Default: 0)
MAX_ORDER_QTY Optional integer Maximum order quantity allowed in any one order. The value you provide may be affected by the economic order quantity and/or unit of measure set on the vendor. (Default is 0, meaning no maximum)
REORDER_POINT Optional integer Reorder point specifying the quantity of inventory that you don’t want to fall below. When the current net inventory falls to the reorder point plus the safety stock, the item is triggered for reorder. Use blank or positive integers. Applies when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Reorder point.
REORDER_QTY Optional integer Reorder quantity for this item. As an example, if 12 units are needed according to other replenishment calculations, a reorder quantity of 50 would cause the generated purchase order to be for 50. Applies when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Reorder point. (Default is 0, meaning no suggestion)
ITEMWAREHOUSEVENDORENTRIES optional array of ITEMWAREHOUSEVENDORENTRIES Vendor Entries. Provides replenishment parameters for this item according to given warehouse and vendor combinations. These parameters override the values for the Vendor entries in the Vendor history. Multiple ITEMWAREHOUSEVENDORENTRIES elements may be passed.


For the given warehouse, these entries override any Vendor entries in Vendor history.

Name Required Type Description
VENDORID Required string Vendor ID of an existing vendor that ships the item to this warehouse
PREFERRED_VENDOR Optional boolean Preferred vendor status.
  • true - designate as preferred
  • false - not a preferred vendor
There can only be one preferred vendor. (Default: true for the first vendor in the list (the lowest record number), false for the others)
STOCKNO Optional string Stock number the vendor uses for the item
LEAD_TIME Optional string Lead time in days when ordering this particular item. Valid values are blank, 0, and positive integers. (Default: lead time for the vendor)
FORECAST_DEMAND_IN_LEAD_TIME Optional integer Forecast demand in lead time. Specifies the quantity of this item expected to be sold during the lead time. Valid values are blank, 0, and positive integers. Only applicable when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Demand forecast by a single value.
ECONOMIC_ORDER_QTY Optional integer Economic order quantity. Specifies the number of units per order to minimize the total costs of inventory—such as holding costs and order costs (Default: 1)
MIN_ORDER_QTY Optional integer Minimum order quantity allowed (Default: 1)
UOM Optional string Unit of measure that the vendor sells this item in—should match the UOM used for the Purchase Order. (Default: Base unit of the item’s UOM group for inventory replenishment.)


These entries apply when there are no corresponding warehouse-specific Vendor entries.

Name Required Type Description
VENDORID Required string Vendor ID of an existing vendor that ships the item from this warehouse
PREFERRED_VENDOR Optional boolean Preferred vendor status.
  • true - designate as preferred
  • false - not a preferred vendor
There can only be one preferred vendor. (Default: true for the first vendor in the list (the lowest record number), false for the others)
STOCKNO Optional string Stock number the vendor uses for the item
LEAD_TIME Optional string Lead time in days when ordering this particular item. Valid values are blank, 0, and positive integers. (Default: lead time for the vendor)
FORECAST_DEMAND_IN_LEAD_TIME Optional integer Forecast demand in lead time. Specifies the quantity of this item expected to be sold during the lead time. Valid values are blank, 0, and positive integers. Only applicable when the replenishment method is Demand forecast by a single value.
ECONOMIC_ORDER_QTY Optional string Quantity of units per order to minimize the total costs of inventory—such as holding costs and order costs. (Default: 1)
MIN_ORDER_QTY Optional integer Minimum order quantity allowed (Default: 1)
UOM Optional string Unit of measure that the vendor sells this item in—should match the UOM used for the Purchase Order. (Default: Base unit of the item’s UOM group for inventory replenishment)

Create an Item (Legacy)

Release Changes
2022 Release 2 Added enablefulfillment
2021 Release 3 Added densityuom, density
2021 Release 2 Added weightuom, netweight, lwhuom, length, width, height, thicknessuom, thickness, minimumthickness, maximumthickness, areauom, area, volumeuom, volume, diameteruom, innerdiameter, outerdiameter, durometer, upc12, ean13, safetyitem, restricteditem, compliantitem, condition, engineeringalert, specification1, specification2, specification3, engineeringapproval, qualitycontrolapproval, salesapproval, primarycountryoforigin, brand, subbrand, category, subcategory, catalogref, color, style, size1, size2, giftcard, webenabled, webname, webshortdesc, weblongdesc
2019 Release 4 Added autoprintlabel


    <name>hello world</name>


Name Required Type Description
itemid Required string Item ID to create
name Required string Item name
status Optional string Status.
  • active (default)
  • inactive
itemtype Required string Item type.
  • Inventory
  • Non-Inventory
  • Non-Inventory (Purchase only)
  • Non-Inventory (Sales only)
  • Kit
  • Stockable Kit
enablefulfillment Optional boolean Set to true to enable fulfillment for a non-inventory item that you want to be able to include in kits.
enable_bins Optional boolean Bin tracking enabled.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
extended_description Optional string Extended description
productlineid Optional string PRODUCTLINEID of the product line that you want to add this product to.
substituteid Optional string Substitute item ID
ship_weight Optional decimal Shipping weight
taxable Optional boolean Taxable. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: true)
cost_method Optional string Cost method. Use Standard, Average, FIFO, or LIFO.
standard_cost Optional currency Standard cost
base_price Optional currency Base price
glgroup Optional string Item GL group name
note Optional string Note
inventory_precision Optional integer Inventory unit cost precision
purchasing_precision Optional integer Purchasing unit cost precision
sales_precision Optional integer Sales unit cost precision
upc Optional string UPC
hasstartenddates Optional boolean Item has start and end dates. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
term_period Optional string Periods measured in.
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Years
defaultnoofperiods Optional integer Number of periods
computepriceforshortterm Optional boolean Prorate price allowed. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
itaxgroup Optional string Item tax group name.
revenue_posting Optional string Kit revenue posting. Use Component Level or Kit Level.
vsoecategory Optional string VSOE category. Use Product - Specified, Software, Product - Unspecified, Upgrade - Unspecified, Upgrade - Specified, Services, or Post Contract Support(PCS).
vsoedlvrstatus Optional string VSOE default delivery status. Use Delivered or Undelivered.
vsoerevdefstatus Optional string VSOE default deferral status. Use Defer until item is delivered or Defer bundle until item is delivered.
incomeaccount Optional string Revenue GL account number
invaccount Optional string Inventory GL account number
expenseaccount Optional string Expense GL account number
cogsaccount Optional string COGS GL account number
offsetoeglaccount Optional string AR GL account number
offsetpoglaccount Optional string AP GL account number
defrevaccount Optional string Deferred revenue GL account number
uomgrp Optional string Unit of measure
customfields Optional array of customfield Custom fields
autoprintlabel Optional boolean Auto print label. This parameter is used to trigger an integrated third-party tool that creates scanner labels. Use true to print labels, false otherwise. (Default: false)
weightuom Optional string Unit of measure for weight values. Required when netweight is specified for an item.
netweight Optional integer Actual weight of the base item. Must be less than ship_weight.
Optional string
The size of the item, useful for calculating storage bin and shipping box size requirements. Specify the unit of measure and the length, width, and height. You must specify all four values or none. lwhuom must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
Optional string
The thickness of the item, useful for calculating storage bin or shipping box size requirements. Specify the unit of measure, actual thickness, and minimum and maximum thickness. You must specify all four values or none. If the item thickness does not vary, set all three thickness fields to the same value. thicknessuom must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
Optional string
The area of the item: unit of measure and area. You must specify both or neither. areauom must be set to one of the values defined for the Area unit of measure.
Optional string
The volume of the item: unit of measure and total volume. You must specify both or neither. VOLUMEUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the Volume unit of measure.
Optional string
The diameter of the item: Unit of measure, and inner and outer diameter. You must specify all three or none. diameteruom must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
durometer Optional string Durometer (hardness) measurement of the item.
Optional string
The density of the item: unit of measure and density value.
upc12 Optional Integer UPC-12, the 12-digit Univieral Product Code of the item.
ean13 Optional integer EAN-13, the 13-digit International Article Number of the item.
safetyitem Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Safety Item. (Default false)
restricteditem Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Restricted Item. (Default false)
compliantitem Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Compliant Item. (Default false)
condition Optional string Condition name or descriptor.
engineeringalert Optional string Engineering Alert name or descriptor.
specification1 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 1.
specification2 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 2.
specification3 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 3.
engineeringapproval Optional boolean Use true if item is approved by Engineering. (Default false)
qualitycontrolapproval Optional boolean Use true if item is approved by Quality Control. (Default false)
salesapproval Optional boolean Use true if item is approved by Sales. (Default false)
primarycountryoforigin Optional string Primary country of origin, for example “China 75%”.
brand Optional string Brand of the item.
subbrand Optional string Sub brand of the item.
category Optional string Category of the item.
subcategory Optional string Sub category of the item.
catalogref Optional string Catalog reference for the item.
color Optional string Color of the item.
style Optional string Style of the item.
size1 Optional string Size 1 of the item.
size2 Optional string Size 2 of the item.
giftcard Optional boolean Use true if the item is a gift card (Default false)
webenabled Optional boolean Use true if the item is Web enabled. (Default false)
webname Optional string Name of the item to appear on the web.
webshortdesc Optional string Short description for the web.
weblongdesc Optional string Long description for the web.


Name Required Type Description
customfieldname Optional string Custom field ID
customfieldvalue Optional varies Custom field value. For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.

Update an Item

Release Changes
2022 Release 2 Added ENABLEFULFILLMENT
2021 Release 3 Added DENSITYUOM, DENSITY
2019 Release 4 Added AUTOPRINTLABEL
2023 Release 4 Added CONTRACTENABLED


        <NAME>hello world</NAME>


Name Required Type Description
ITEM Required object Object to update


Name Required Type Description
RECORDNO Required integer Item RECORDNO to update
NAME Required string Item name
STATUS Optional string Status.
  • active (default)
  • inactive
ENABLEFULFILLMENT Optional boolean Set to true to enable fulfillment for a non-inventory item that you want to be able to include in kits.
CONTRACTENABLED Optional boolean If ITEMTYPE is set to kit, this field must be set to true to indicate that kits are enabled for contracts and that the item must adhere to restrictions for the kit.
PRODUCTLINEID Optional string PRODUCTLINEID of the product line that you want to add this product to.
EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION Optional string Extended description
PODESCRIPTION Optional string Purchasing description
SODESCRIPTION Optional string Sales description
UOMGRP Optional string Unit of measure group.
  • Area
  • Count
  • Duration
  • Length
  • Numbers
  • Time
  • Volume
  • Weight
  • an existing custom group name
NOTE Optional string Note
GLGROUP Optional string Item GL group name
DEFAULT_CONVERSIONTYPE Optional string Transaction workflow conversion type. Required if Enable price conversion Order Entry/Purchasing configuration option is enabled.
  • Price
  • Quantity (default)
STANDARD_COST Optional currency Standard cost
BASEPRICE Optional currency Base price
TAXABLE Optional boolean Taxable.
  • true - Yes (default)
  • false - No
TAXGROUP Optional object Item tax group
ALLOWMULTIPLETAXGRPS Optional boolean Allow multiple item tax groups per item, which is needed when an item is taxed at different rates in different tax jurisdictions.
  • false (default)
  • true - allow multiple item tax groups
When you set this to true and provide an item tax group mapping (ITEMTAXGRPITEMMAPS), the tax group at the header level is ignored and the mapping is used instead. (GB, AU, and ZA only)
ITEMTAXGRPITEMMAPS Optional array of ITEMTAXGRPITEMMAP Required when ALLOWMULTIPLETAXGRPS is set to true. Maps item to different tax groups that are available with the given tax solution. (GB, AU, and ZA only)
DEFAULTREVRECTEMPLKEY Optional string Default revenue recognition template ID
INCOMEACCTKEY Optional string Revenue GL account number
INVACCTKEY Optional string Inventory GL account number
EXPENSEACCTKEY Optional string Expense GL account number
COGSACCTKEY Optional string COGS GL account number
OFFSETOEGLACCOUNTKEY Optional string AR GL account number
OFFSETPOGLACCOUNTKEY Optional string AP GL account number
DEFERREDREVACCTKEY Optional string Deferred revenue GL account number
VSOECATEGORY Optional string VSOE category.
  • Product - Specified
  • Product - Unspecified
  • Upgrade - Specified
  • Upgrade - Unspecified
  • Software
  • Services
  • Post Contract Support(PCS)
VSOEDLVRSTATUS Optional string VSOE default delivery status.
  • Delivered
  • Undelivered
VSOEREVDEFSTATUS Optional string VSOE default deferral status.
  • Defer until item is delivered
  • Defer bundle until item is delivered
REVPOSTING Optional string Kit revenue posting.
  • Component Level
  • Kit Level
REVPRINTING Optional string Kit print format.
  • Individual Components
  • Kit
SUBSTITUTEID Optional string Substitute item ID
ENABLE_SERIALNO Optional boolean Serial tracking enabled.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
SERIAL_MASKKEY Optional string Serial number mask. Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types. Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
ENABLE_LOT_CATEGORY Optional boolean Lot tracking enabled.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
LOT_CATEGORYKEY Optional string Lot category. Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
ENABLE_BINS Optional boolean Bin tracking enabled.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
ENABLE_EXPIRATION Optional boolean Expiration tracking enabled.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
UPC Optional string UPC
INV_PRECISION Optional integer Inventory unit cost precision
SO_PRECISION Optional integer Sales unit cost precision
PO_PRECISION Optional integer Purchasing unit cost precision
ENABLELANDEDCOST Optional boolean Enable landed costs for Inventory item.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
LANDEDCOSTINFO Optional array of ITEMLANDEDCOST Information about landed cost mechanisms. ENABLELANDEDCOST must be set to true.
HASSTARTENDDATES Optional boolean Item has start and end dates.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
TERMPERIOD Optional string Periods measured in.
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Years
TOTALPERIODS Optional integer Number of periods
COMPUTEFORSHORTTERM Optional boolean Prorate price allowed.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
RENEWALMACROID Optional string Default renewal macro ID
ENABLE_REPLENISHMENT Optional boolean Enable replenishment for this item in the Vendor history.
  • true - Enable (default)
  • false - disable
DEFAULT_REPLENISHMENT_UOM Optional string Units of measure default for base units for inventory replenishment for this item in the Vendor history. For example, with the Count unit of measure group, you can specify each, dozen, or pair. See the information about unit of measure groups in the Sage Intacct product help.
REPLENISHMENT_METHOD Optional string Replenishment method for this item in the Vendor history. Specifies how the amount to reorder is calculated.
  • Reorder point - base calculation on a specific reorder quantity and optional safety stock quantity
  • Demand forecast by single value - base calculation on lead time for the vendor
  • Demand forecast by fluctuating values - base calculation on fluctuating forecast for an item
See the information about replenishment methods and calculations in the Sage Intacct product help. (Default: Reorder point or as configured for inventory)
SAFETY_STOCK Optional integer Safety stock for this item in the Vendor history. Extra quantity held in inventory to reduce the risk of stock outs due to uncertainty in supply and demand. (Default: 0)
MAX_ORDER_QTY Optional integer Maximum order quantity for this item in the Vendor history. Largest amount you can order in any one order. The value you provide may be affected by the economic order quantity and/or unit of measure set on the vendor. (Default is 0, meaning no maximum)
REORDER_POINT Optional integer Reorder point specifying the quantity of inventory that you don’t want to fall below. When the current net inventory falls to the reorder point plus the safety stock, the item is triggered for reorder. Use blank or positive integers. Applies when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Reorder point. (Default: 1)
REORDER_QTY Optional integer Reorder quantity for this item in the Vendor history. As an example, if 12 units are needed according to other replenishment calculations, a reorder quantity of 50 would cause the generated purchase order to be for 50. Applies when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Reorder point. (Default is 0, meaning no suggestion)
FORECAST_DEMAND_IN_LEAD_TIME Optional integer Forecast demand in lead time. Specifies the quantity of this item expected to be sold during the lead time. Valid values are blank, 0, and positive integers. Only applicable when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Demand forecast by a single value.
WAREHOUSEINFO Optional array of ITEMWAREHOUSEINFO Item Warehouse information. These parameter values override the replenishment values specified for the item in the Vendor history.
VENDORINFO Optional array of ITEMVENDOR Container for Vendor entries in Vendor history.
AUTOPRINTLABEL Optional boolean Auto print label. This parameter is used to trigger an integrated third-party tool that creates scanner labels.
  • false - do not print labels (default)
  • true - print labels
Optional string
The weight of the item: unit of measure, net weight and shipping weight (also called gross weight). You can specify SHIP_WEIGHT without WEIGHTUOM or NETWEIGHT, but if you specify NETWEIGHT you must also specify the other two. WEIGHTUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the Weight unit of measure.
Optional string
The size of the item, useful for calculating storage bin and shipping box size requirements. Specify the unit of measure and the length, width, and height. You must specify all four values or none. LWHUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
Optional string
The thickness of the item, useful for calculating storage bin or shipping box size requirements. Specify the unit of measure, actual thickness, and minimum and maximum thickness. You must specify all four values or none. If the item thickness does not vary, set all three thickness fields to the same value. THICKNESSUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
Optional string
The area of the item: unit of measure and area. You must specify both or neither. AREAUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the Area unit of measure.
Optional string
The volume of the item: unit of measure and total volume. You must specify both or neither. VOLUMEUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the Volume unit of measure.
Optional string
The diameter of the item: Unit of measure, and inner and outer diameter. You must specify all three or none. DIAMETERUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
DUROMETER Optional string Durometer (hardness) measurement of the item.
Optional string
The density of the item: unit of measure and density value.
UPC12 Optional Integer UPC-12, the 12-digit Univieral Product Code of the item.
EAN13 Optional integer EAN-13, the 13-digit International Article Number of the item.
SAFETYITEM Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Safety Item. (Default false)
RESTRICTEDITEM Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Restricted Item. (Default false)
COMPLIANTITEM Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Compliant Item. (Default false)
CONDITION Optional string Condition name or descriptor.
ENGINEERINGALERT Optional string Engineering Alert name or descriptor.
SPECIFICATION1 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 1.
SPECIFICATION2 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 2.
SPECIFICATION3 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 3.
  • true - the item is approved by Engineering
  • false - the item is not approved (default)
  • true - the item is approved by Quality Control
  • false - the item is not approved (default)
SALESAPPROVAL Optional boolean
  • true - the item is approved by Sales
  • false - the item is not approved (default)
PRIMARYCOUNTRYOFORIGIN Optional string Primary country of origin, for example “China 75%”.
BRAND Optional string Brand of the item.
SUBBRAND Optional string Sub brand of the item.
CATEGORY Optional string Category of the item.
SUBCATEGORY Optional string Sub category of the item.
CATALOGREF Optional string Catalog reference for the item.
COLOR Optional string Color of the item.
STYLE Optional string Style of the item.
SIZE1 Optional string Size 1 of the item.
SIZE2 Optional string Size 2 of the item.
GIFTCARD Optional boolean
  • true - the item is a gift card
  • false - the item is not a gift card (default)
WEBENABLED Optional boolean
  • true - the item is Web enabled
  • false - the item is not Web enabled (default)
WEBNAME Optional string Name of the item to appear on the web.
WEBSHORTDESC Optional string Short description for the web.
WEBLONGDESC Optional string Long description for the web.
Custom field name varies varies Custom field names and values as defined for this object.
For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


Name Required Type Description
NAME Required string Tax group name


Name Required Type Description
TAXGROUP Optional object Provides the tax group name. (GB, AU, and ZA only)
NAME Optional string Name of an item tax group name from the an available tax solution. (GB, AU, and ZA only)


Name Required Type Description
ITEMID Required string Item ID
METHOD Required string Landed cost mechanism.
  • Volume
  • Weight
  • Count
VALUE Required string Value for the landed cost
ACTIVE Optional boolean Status.
  • true - active
  • false - inactive


For the given warehouse, these parameter values override any replenishment values specified for the item in the Vendor history.

Name Required Type Description
WAREHOUSEID Required string Warehouse ID for an existing warehouse.
ENABLE_REPLENISHMENT Optional boolean Enable replenishment for this item and warehouse combination.
  • true - enable replenishment (default)
  • false - do not enable
REPLENISHMENT_METHOD Optional string Replenishment method. Specifies how the amount to reorder is calculated.
  • Reorder point - base calculation on a specific reorder quantity and optional safety stock quantity
  • Demand forecast by single value - base calculation on lead time for the vendor
  • Demand forecast by fluctuating values - base calculation on fluctuating forecast for an item
See the information about replenishment methods and calculations in the Sage Intacct product help. (Default: Reorder point or as configured for inventory)
SAFETY_STOCK Optional integer Safety stock. Extra quantity held in inventory to reduce the risk of stock outs due to uncertainty in supply and demand. (Default: 0)
MAX_ORDER_QTY Optional integer Maximum order quantity allowed in any one order. The value you provide may be affected by the economic order quantity and/or unit of measure set on the vendor. (Default is 0, meaning no maximum)
REORDER_POINT Optional integer Reorder point specifying the quantity of inventory that you don’t want to fall below. When the current net inventory falls to the reorder point plus the safety stock, the item is triggered for reorder. Use blank or positive integers. Applies when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Reorder point.
REORDER_QTY Optional integer Reorder quantity for this item. As an example, if 12 units are needed according to other replenishment calculations, a reorder quantity of 50 would cause the generated purchase order to be for 50. Applies when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Reorder point. (Default is 0, meaning no suggestion)
ITEMWAREHOUSEVENDORENTRIES optional array of ITEMWAREHOUSEVENDORENTRIES Vendor Entries. Provides replenishment parameters for this item according to given warehouse and vendor combinations. These parameters override the values for the Vendor entries in the Vendor history. Multiple ITEMWAREHOUSEVENDORENTRIES elements may be passed.


For the given warehouse, these entries override any Vendor entries in Vendor history.

Name Required Type Description
VENDORID Required string Vendor ID of an existing vendor that ships the item to this warehouse
PREFERRED_VENDOR Optional boolean Preferred vendor status.
  • true - designate as preferred
  • false - not a preferred vendor
There can only be one preferred vendor. (Default: true for the first vendor in the list (the lowest record number), false for the others)
STOCKNO Optional string Stock number the vendor uses for the item
LEAD_TIME Optional string Lead time in days when ordering this particular item. Valid values are blank, 0, and positive integers. (Default: lead time for the vendor)
FORECAST_DEMAND_IN_LEAD_TIME Optional integer Forecast demand in lead time. Specifies the quantity of this item expected to be sold during the lead time. Valid values are blank, 0, and positive integers. Only applicable when the REPLENISHMENT_METHOD is Demand forecast by a single value.
ECONOMIC_ORDER_QTY Optional integer Economic order quantity. Specifies the number of units per order to minimize the total costs of inventory—such as holding costs and order costs (Default: 1)
MIN_ORDER_QTY Optional integer Minimum order quantity allowed (Default: 1)
UOM Optional string Unit of measure that the vendor sells this item in—should match the UOM used for the Purchase Order. (Default: Base unit of the item’s UOM group for inventory replenishment.)


These entries apply when there are no corresponding warehouse-specific Vendor entries.

Name Required Type Description
VENDORID Required string Vendor ID of an existing vendor that ships the item from this warehouse
PREFERRED_VENDOR Optional boolean Preferred vendor status.
  • true - designate as preferred
  • false - not a preferred vendor
There can only be one preferred vendor. (Default: true for the first vendor in the list (the lowest record number), false for the others)
STOCKNO Optional string Stock number the vendor uses for the item
LEAD_TIME Optional string Lead time in days when ordering this particular item. Valid values are blank, 0, and positive integers. (Default: lead time for the vendor)
FORECAST_DEMAND_IN_LEAD_TIME Optional integer Forecast demand in lead time. Specifies the quantity of this item expected to be sold during the lead time. Valid values are blank, 0, and positive integers. Only applicable when the replenishment method is Demand forecast by a single value.
ECONOMIC_ORDER_QTY Optional string Quantity of units per order to minimize the total costs of inventory—such as holding costs and order costs. (Default: 1)
MIN_ORDER_QTY Optional integer Minimum order quantity allowed (Default: 1)
UOM Optional string Unit of measure that the vendor sells this item in—should match the UOM used for the Purchase Order. (Default: Base unit of the item’s UOM group for inventory replenishment)

Update an Item (Legacy)

Release Changes
2022 Release 2 Added enablefulfillment
2021 Release 3 Added densityuom, density
2021 Release 2 Added weightuom, netweight, lwhuom, length, width, height, thicknessuom, thickness, minimumthickness, maximumthickness, areauom, area, volumeuom, volume, diameteruom, innerdiameter, outerdiameter, durometer, upc12, ean13, safetyitem, restricteditem, compliantitem, condition, engineeringalert, specification1, specification2, specification3, engineeringapproval, qualitycontrolapproval, salesapproval, primarycountryoforigin, brand, subbrand, category, subcategory, catalogref, color, style, size1, size2, giftcard, webenabled, webname, webshortdesc, weblongdesc
2019 Release 4 Added autoprintlabel
2024 Release 2 Update option for replenishment method-Demand forecast by statistical account, replace with Demand forecast by fluctuating values


<update_item itemid="I1234">
    <name>hello world</name>


Name Required Type Description
itemid Required string Item ID to update
name Optional string Item name
status Optional string Status. Use active for Active otherwise use inactive for Inactive.
enable_bins Optional boolean Bin tracking enabled.
  • false - No (default)
  • true - Yes
Applicable to inventory or stockable kit item types.
enablefulfillment Optional boolean Set to true to enable fulfillment for a non-inventory item that you want to be able to include in kits.
extended_description Optional string Extended description
productlineid Optional string PRODUCTLINEID of the product line that you want to add this product to.
substituteid Optional string Substitute item ID
ship_weight Optional decimal Shipping weight
taxable Optional boolean Taxable. Use false for No, true for Yes.
standard_cost Optional currency Standard cost
base_price Optional currency Base price
glgroup Optional string Item GL group name
note Optional string Note
inventory_precision Optional integer Inventory unit cost precision
purchasing_precision Optional integer Purchasing unit cost precision
sales_precision Optional integer Sales unit cost precision
upc Optional string UPC
hasstartenddates Optional boolean Item has start and end dates. Use false for No, true for Yes.
term_period Optional string Periods measured in.
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Years
defaultnoofperiods Optional integer Number of periods
computepriceforshortterm Optional boolean Prorate price allowed. Use false for No, true for Yes.
itaxgroup Optional string Item tax group name.
revenue_posting Optional string Kit revenue posting. Use Component Level or Kit Level.
vsoecategory Optional string VSOE category. Use Product - Specified, Software, Product - Unspecified, Upgrade - Unspecified, Upgrade - Specified, Services, or Post Contract Support(PCS).
vsoedlvrstatus Optional string VSOE default delivery status. Use Delivered or Undelivered.
vsoerevdefstatus Optional string VSOE default deferral status. Use Defer until item is delivered or Defer bundle until item is delivered.
incomeaccount Optional string Revenue GL account number
invaccount Optional string Inventory GL account number
expenseaccount Optional string Expense GL account number
cogsaccount Optional string COGS GL account number
offsetoeglaccount Optional string AR GL account number
offsetpoglaccount Optional string AP GL account number
defrevaccount Optional string Deferred revenue GL account number
uomgrp Optional string Unit of measure
customfields Optional array of customfield Custom fields
autoprintlabel Optional boolean Auto print label. This parameter is used to trigger an integrated third-party tool that creates scanner labels. Use true to print labels, false otherwise. (Default: false)
weightuom Optional string Unit of measure for weight values. Required when netweight is specified for an item.
netweight Optional integer Actual weight of the base item. Must be less than ship_weight.
Optional string
The size of the item, useful for calculating storage bin and shipping box size requirements. Specify the unit of measure and the length, width, and height. You must specify all four values or none. lwhuom must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
Optional string
The thickness of the item, useful for calculating storage bin or shipping box size requirements. Specify the unit of measure, actual thickness, and minimum and maximum thickness. You must specify all four values or none. If the item thickness does not vary, set all three thickness fields to the same value. thicknessuom must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
Optional string
The area of the item: unit of measure and area. You must specify both or neither. areauom must be set to one of the values defined for the Area unit of measure.
Optional string
The volume of the item: unit of measure and total volume. You must specify both or neither. VOLUMEUOM must be set to one of the values defined for the Volume unit of measure.
Optional string
The diameter of the item: Unit of measure, and inner and outer diameter. You must specify all three or none. diameteruom must be set to one of the values defined for the length unit of measure.
durometer Optional string Durometer (hardness) measurement of the item.
Optional string
The density of the item: unit of measure and density value.
upc12 Optional Integer UPC-12, the 12-digit Univieral Product Code of the item.
ean13 Optional integer EAN-13, the 13-digit International Article Number of the item.
safetyitem Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Safety Item. (Default false)
restricteditem Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Restricted Item. (Default false)
compliantitem Optional boolean Use true if item is classified as a Compliant Item. (Default false)
condition Optional string Condition name or descriptor.
engineeringalert Optional string Engineering Alert name or descriptor.
specification1 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 1.
specification2 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 2.
specification3 Optional string Specification name/descriptor 3.
engineeringapproval Optional boolean Use true if item is approved by Engineering. (Default false)
qualitycontrolapproval Optional boolean Use true if item is approved by Quality Control. (Default false)
salesapproval Optional boolean Use true if item is approved by Sales. (Default false)
primarycountryoforigin Optional string Primary country of origin, for example “China 75%”.
brand Optional string Brand of the item.
subbrand Optional string Sub brand of the item.
category Optional string Category of the item.
subcategory Optional string Sub category of the item.
catalogref Optional string Catalog reference for the item.
color Optional string Color of the item.
style Optional string Style of the item.
size1 Optional string Size 1 of the item.
size2 Optional string Size 2 of the item.
giftcard Optional boolean Use true if the item is a gift card (Default false)
webenabled Optional boolean Use true if the item is Web enabled. (Default false)
webname Optional string Name of the item to appear on the web.
webshortdesc Optional string Short description for the web.
weblongdesc Optional string Long description for the web.


Name Required Type Description
customfieldname Optional string Custom field ID
customfieldvalue Optional varies Custom field value. For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.

Delete an Item




Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use ITEM
keys Required string Comma-separated list of item RECORDNO to delete

Delete an Item (Legacy)


<delete_item itemid="I1234"></delete_item>


Name Required Type Description
itemid Required string Item ID to delete

Provide feedback