Contacts are shared across the entire system and are used to send event notifications, to determine ship-to/bill-to, pay-to/return-to addresses in Order Entry and Purchasing transactions, and to determine tax on transactions.

Get Contact Object Definition


List all the fields and relationships for the contact object:



Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CONTACT

Query and List Contacts


List the record number and name for each contact:



Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CONTACT
filter Optional object Filter expression to limit the response to only objects that match the expression. Check the value of a single field using operators such as equalto/like, or multiple fields using and/or. Query fields on related objects using the dot operator (for example, VENDOR.CREDITLIMIT on APBILL).
select Required sequence The names of the fields that you want included in the response, and an optional aggregate function such as count or sum. Returning all fields is not supported.
orderby Optional object Provide an order element with a field name and choose an ascending or descending sort order, for example:
options Optional object Query options:
  • Set the caseinsensitive element to true for a case-insensitive query
  • In a multi-entity company, set the showprivate element to true to query data in private entities:
  • Specify the returnformat for the response: xml (default), json, or csv
pagesize Optional integer Maximum number of matching objects to return in the response, between 1 and 2000 items (Default: 100)
offset Optional integer Point at which to start indexing into records (Default: 0)

Query and List Contacts (Legacy)




Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CONTACT
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
query Required string SQL-like query based on fields on the object. The following operators are supported: <, >, >=, <=, =, like, not like, in, not in, IS NOT NULL, IS NULL, AND, OR. Illegal XML characters must be properly encoded, and single quotes must be escaped with backslashes ('Jane\'s Deli'). Joins are not supported.
pagesize Optional integer Custom page size between 1 and 1000 items (Default: 100)

Get Contact




Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CONTACT
keys Required string Comma-separated list of contact RECORDNO to get
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Get Contact by ID




Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CONTACT
keys Required string Comma-separated list of CONTACTNAME to get
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Create Contact




Name Required Type Description
CONTACT Required object Object to create


Name Required Type Description
CONTACTNAME Required string Contact name to create
PRINTAS Required string Print as
COMPANYNAME Optional string Company name
TAXABLE Optional boolean Taxable. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: true)
TAXGROUP Optional string Contact tax group name
PREFIX Optional string Prefix
FIRSTNAME Optional string First name
LASTNAME Optional string Last name
INITIAL Optional string Middle name
PHONE1 Optional string Primary phone number
PHONE2 Optional string Secondary phone number
CELLPHONE Optional string Cellular phone number
PAGER Optional string Pager number
FAX Optional string Fax number
EMAIL1 Optional string Primary email address
EMAIL2 Optional string Secondary email address
URL1 Optional string Primary URL
URL2 Optional string Secondary URL
STATUS Optional string Status. Use active for Active or inactive for Inactive (Default: active)
MAILADDRESS Optional object Mail address
TAXSCHEDULE Optional object You can assign a default tax schedule for a contact. When you create an AP or AR transaction, the tax details from the assigned schedule are used as the default for the AP or AR line entry. The tax details can be overridden through the UI
TAXSOLUTIONID Optional string Tax solution. Required if providing Tax Schedule


Name Required Type Description
ADDRESS1 Optional string Address line 1
ADDRESS2 Optional string Address line 2
ADDRESS3 Optional string Address line 3
CITY Optional string City
STATE Optional string State/province
ZIP Optional string Zip/postal code
COUNTRY Optional string Country
COUNTRYCODE Optional string ISO country code. When ISO country codes are enabled in a company, both COUNTRY and COUNTRYCODE must be provided.

Create Contact (Legacy)




Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Contact name to create
printas Required string Print as
companyname Optional string Company name
taxable Optional boolean Taxable. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: true)
taxgroup Optional string Contact tax group name
prefix Optional string Prefix
firstname Optional string First name
lastname Optional string Last name
initial Optional string Middle name
phone1 Optional string Primary phone number
phone2 Optional string Secondary phone number
cellphone Optional string Cellular phone number
pager Optional string Pager number
fax Optional string Fax number
email1 Optional string Primary email address
email2 Optional string Secondary email address
url1 Optional string Primary URL
url2 Optional string Secondary URL
status Optional string Status. Use active for Active or inactive for Inactive (Default: active)
mailaddress Optional object Mail address
taxid Optional string Tax ID
taxschedule Optional string You can assign a default tax schedule for a contact. When you create an AP or AR transaction, the tax details from the assigned schedule are used as the default for the AP or AR line entry. The tax details can be overridden through the UI
taxsolutionid Optional string Tax solution. Required if providing Tax Schedule


Name Required Type Description
address1 Optional string Address line 1
address2 Optional string Address line 2
address3 Optional string Address line 3
city Optional string City
state Optional string State/province
zip Optional string Zip/postal code
country Optional string Country
countrycode Optional string ISO country code. When ISO country codes are enabled in a company, both country and countrycode must be provided.
latitude Optional string Latitude
longitude Optional string Longitude

Update Contact


        <PRINTAS>hello world</PRINTAS>


Name Required Type Description
CONTACT Optional object Object to update


Name Required Type Description
RECORDNO Optional integer Record number of contact to update. Required if not using CONTACTNAME.
CONTACTNAME Optional string Contact name. Required if not using RECORDNO.
PRINTAS Optional string Print as
COMPANYNAME Optional string Company name
TAXABLE Optional boolean Taxable. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: true)
TAXGROUP Optional string Contact tax group name
PREFIX Optional string Prefix
FIRSTNAME Optional string First name
LASTNAME Optional string Last name
INITIAL Optional string Middle name
PHONE1 Optional string Primary phone number
PHONE2 Optional string Secondary phone number
CELLPHONE Optional string Cellular phone number
PAGER Optional string Pager number
FAX Optional string Fax number
EMAIL1 Optional string Primary email address
EMAIL2 Optional string Secondary email address
URL1 Optional string Primary URL
URL2 Optional string Secondary URL
STATUS Optional string Status. Use active for Active otherwise use inactive for Inactive (Default: active)
MAILADDRESS Optional object Mail address
TAXSCHEDULE Optional object You can assign a default tax schedule for a contact. When you create an AP or AR transaction, the tax details from the assigned schedule are used as the default for the AP or AR line entry. The tax details can be overridden through the UI
TAXSOLUTIONID Optional string Tax solution. Required if providing Tax Schedule


Name Required Type Description
ADDRESS1 Optional string Address line 1
ADDRESS2 Optional string Address line 2
ADDRESS3 Optional string Address line 3
CITY Optional string City
STATE Optional string State/province
ZIP Optional string Zip/postal code
COUNTRY Optional string Country
COUNTRYCODE Optional string ISO country code. When ISO country codes are enabled in a company, both COUNTRY and COUNTRYCODE must be provided.

Update Contact (Legacy)


<update_contact contactname="Hello">


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Contact name to update
printas Required string Print as
companyname Optional string Company name
taxable Optional boolean Taxable. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: true)
taxgroup Optional string Contact tax group name
prefix Optional string Prefix
firstname Optional string First name
lastname Optional string Last name
initial Optional string Middle name
phone1 Optional string Primary phone number
phone2 Optional string Secondary phone number
cellphone Optional string Cellular phone number
pager Optional string Pager number
fax Optional string Fax number
email1 Optional string Primary email address
email2 Optional string Secondary email address
url1 Optional string Primary URL
url2 Optional string Secondary URL
status Optional string Status. Use active for Active or inactive for Inactive (Default: active)
mailaddress Optional object Mail address
taxid Optional string Tax ID
taxsolutionid Optional string Tax solution. Required if providing Tax Schedule
taxschedule Optional string You can assign a default tax schedule for a contact. When you create an AP or AR transaction, the tax details from the assigned schedule are used as the default for the AP or AR line entry. The tax details can be overridden through the UI


Name Required Type Description
address1 Optional string Address line 1
address2 Optional string Address line 2
address3 Optional string Address line 3
city Optional string City
state Optional string State/province
zip Optional string Zip/postal code
country Optional string Country
countrycode Optional string ISO country code. When ISO country codes are enabled in a company, both country and countrycode must be provided.
latitude Optional string Latitude
longitude Optional string Longitude

Delete Contact




Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CONTACT
keys Required string Comma-separated list of contact RECORDNO to delete

Delete Contact (Legacy)


<delete_contact contactname="hello"></delete_contact>


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Contact name to delete

Provide feedback