A Customer is any company to which you sell goods and services.

Other Sage Intacct applications use customer information—not only for record-keeping purposes, but also for printing names and addresses on forms, such as invoices, and for determining the location of the Ship To contact so that sales can be computed correctly.

You can associate existing custom email templates with customers to tailor communications about transactions.


Get Customer Object Definition


List all the fields and relationships for the customer object:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMER

Query and List Customers


List the record number, shipto contact name, and total amount due for all customers with total due > 100:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMER
filter Optional object Filter expression to limit the response to only objects that match the expression. Check the value of a single field using operators such as equalto/like, or multiple fields using and/or. Query fields on related objects using the dot operator (for example, VENDOR.CREDITLIMIT on APBILL).
select Required sequence The names of the fields that you want included in the response, and an optional aggregate function such as count or sum. Returning all fields is not supported.
orderby Optional object Provide an order element with a field name and choose an ascending or descending sort order, for example:
options Optional object Query options:
  • Set the caseinsensitive element to true for a case-insensitive query
  • In a multi-entity company, set the showprivate element to true to query data in private entities:
  • Specify the returnformat for the response: xml (default), json, or csv
pagesize Optional integer Maximum number of matching objects to return in the response, between 1 and 2000 items (Default: 100)
offset Optional integer Point at which to start indexing into records (Default: 0)

Query and List Customers (Legacy)


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMER
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
query Required string SQL-like query based on fields on the object. The following operators are supported: <, >, >=, <=, =, like, not like, in, not in, IS NOT NULL, IS NULL, AND, OR. Illegal XML characters must be properly encoded, and single quotes must be escaped with backslashes ('Jane\'s Deli'). Joins are not supported.
pagesize Optional integer Custom page size between 1 and 1000 items (Default: 100)

Get Customer


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMER
keys Required string Comma-separated list of customer RECORDNO to get
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Get Customer by ID


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMER
keys Required string Comma-separated list of customer CUSTOMERID to get
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Create Customer

Release Changes
2022 Release 2 added TAXSOLUTIONID, TAXSCHEDULE to Contact/Customer/Vendor
2021 Release 3 Added CUSTOMERCONTACTS (see the release notes)
2020 Release 3 Added EMAILOPTIN
2018 Release 1 Added ADVBILLBY and ADVBILLBYTYPE


Creates a customer and specifies a display contact and a contact list (provided via customer contacts):

        <NAME>SaaS Company Inc</NAME>
            <PRINTAS>SaaS Company Inc</PRINTAS>
            <TAXSCHEDULE>US Purchase Goods Standard</TAXSCHEDULE>
                <ADDRESS1>300 Park Ave</ADDRESS1>
                <ADDRESS2>Ste 1400</ADDRESS2>
                <CITY>San Jose</CITY>
                <COUNTRY>United States</COUNTRY>
        <COMMENTS>my comment</COMMENTS>
            <CONTACTNAME>bill to</CONTACTNAME>
            <CONTACTNAME>ship to</CONTACTNAME>

Creates a customer and specifies a display contact and a contact list (provided via customer contacts):

        <NAME>ACME Widget Company Inc.</NAME>
            <PRINTAS>ACME Widget Company Inc</PRINTAS>
            <COMPANYNAME>ACME Widget Company</COMPANYNAME>
                    <NAME>Kristensen, Linda</NAME>
                    <NAME>Kristensen, Linda</NAME>
Name Required Type Description
CUSTOMER Required object Object to create


Name Required Type Description
CUSTOMERID Optional string Unique ID for the customer. Required if company does not use document sequencing, or you can provide a value to use instead of the document sequence value.
NAME Required string Name
DISPLAYCONTACT Required object Contact info
STATUS Optional string Status. Use active for Active or inactive for Inactive (Default: active)
ONETIME Optional boolean One time. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
HIDEDISPLAYCONTACT Optional boolean Exclude from contact list. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
CUSTTYPE Optional string Customer type ID
CUSTREPID Optional string Sales rep employee ID
PARENTID Optional string Parent customer ID
GLGROUP Optional string GL group name
TERRITORYID Optional string Territory ID
SUPDOCID Optional string Attachments ID
TERMNAME Optional string Payment term
OFFSETGLACCOUNTNO Optional string Offset AR GL account number
ARACCOUNT Optional string Default AR GL account number
SHIPPINGMETHOD Optional string Shipping method
RESALENO Optional string Resale number
TAXID Optional string Tax ID
CREDITLIMIT Optional currency Credit limit
RETAINAGEPERCENTAGE Optional numeric Default retainage percentage for customers (Construction or Projects subscription).
ONHOLD Optional boolean On hold. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
DELIVERY_OPTIONS Optional string Delivery method. Use either Print, E-Mail, or Print#~#E-Mail for both. If using E-Mail, the customer contact must have a valid e-mail address.
CUSTMESSAGEID Optional string Default invoice message
EMAILOPTIN Optional boolean Accept emailed invoices option. Use false for No, true for Yes. Applicable only for companies configured for South Africa (ZA) VAT.
COMMENTS Optional string Comments
CURRENCY Optional string Default currency code
ADVBILLBY Optional integer Bill in advance. Number of months or days before the start date. Use 0 through 9.
ADVBILLBYTYPE Optional string Bill-in-advance time period. Required if using bill in advance. Use days or months.
ARINVOICEPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - AR invoice template name
OEQUOTEPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE quote template name
OEORDERPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE order template name
OELISTPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE list template name
OEINVOICEPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE invoice template name
OEADJPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE adjustment template name
OEOTHERPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE other template name
CONTACTINFO Optional object Primary contact. If blank system will use DISPLAYCONTACT.
BILLTO Optional object Bill to contact. If blank system will use DISPLAYCONTACT.
SHIPTO Optional object Ship to contact. If blank system will use DISPLAYCONTACT.
CONTACT_LIST_INFO Optional CONTACT_LIST_INFO[] Contact list (alternative to CUSTOMERCONTACTS). Multiple individual CONTACT_LIST_INFO elements may be passed. If this parameter and CUSTOMERCONTACTS are both provided, CUSTOMERCONTACTS is used. If neither are provided, any values supplied for other contacts (Primary, Bill to, or Ship to) are used to create a contact list.
CUSTOMERCONTACTS Optional CUSTOMERNTITYCONTACTS[0…n] Contact list (alternative to CONTACT_LIST_INFO). If this parameter and CONTACT_LIST_INFO are both provided, CUSTOMERCONTACTS is used. If neither are provided, any values supplied for other contacts (Primary, Bill to, or Ship to) are used to create a contact list.
OBJECTRESTRICTION Optional object Restriction type. Use Unrestricted, RootOnly, or Restricted. (Default Unrestricted)
RESTRICTEDLOCATIONS Optional string Restricted location IDs. Use if OBJECTRESTRICTION is Restricted. Implode multiple IDs with #~#.
RESTRICTEDDEPARTMENTS Optional string Restricted department IDs. Use if OBJECTRESTRICTION is Restricted. Implode multiple IDs with #~#.
CUSTOMEREMAILTEMPLATES Optional CUSTOMEREMAILTEMPLATE[1..n] Custom email templates to override the default email templates associated with transaction definitions. You choose existing custom email templates to use for this customer, optionally specifying the transactions to which they apply.
Custom field name varies varies Custom field names and values as defined for this object.
For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


Name Required Type Description
PRINTAS Required string Print as
CONTACTNAME Optional string If left blank, system will create the name as [NAME](C[CUSTOMERID])
COMPANYNAME Optional string Company name
TAXABLE Optional boolean Taxable. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: true)
TAXGROUP Optional string Contact tax group name
PREFIX Optional string Prefix
FIRSTNAME Optional string First name
LASTNAME Optional string Last name
INITIAL Optional string Middle name
TAXSCHEDULE Optional string You can assign a default tax schedule for a customer contact. When you create an AR transaction, the tax details from the assigned schedule are used as the default for the AR line entry. The tax details can be overridden through the UI
TAXSOLUTIONID Optional string Tax solution. Required if providing Tax Schedule
Optional string Primary phone number  
PHONE2 Optional string Secondary phone number
CELLPHONE Optional string Cellular phone number
PAGER Optional string Pager number
FAX Optional string Fax number
EMAIL1 Optional string Primary email address
EMAIL2 Optional string Secondary email address
URL1 Optional string Primary URL
URL2 Optional string Secondary URL
MAILADDRESS Optional object Mail address


Name Required Type Description
ADDRESS1 Optional string Address line 1
ADDRESS2 Optional string Address line 2
ADDRESS3 Optional string Address line 3
CITY Optional string City
STATE Optional string State/province
ZIP Optional string Zip/postal code
COUNTRY Optional string Country
ISOCOUNTRYCODE Optional string ISO country code. When ISO country codes are enabled in a company, both COUNTRY and ISOCOUNTRYCODE must be provided.


Name Required Type Description
CONTACTNAME Required string Primary contact name


Name Required Type Description
CONTACTNAME Required string Bill to contact name


Name Required Type Description
CONTACTNAME Required string Ship to contact name


Name Required Type Description
CATEGORYNAME Required string Contact category, such as work, home, and so forth.
CONTACT Optional object Category


If the category and contact name you provide for a contact matches one already in the contact list, your entry is skipped.

Name Required Type Description
CATEGORYNAME Required string Contact category, such as work, home, and so forth.
CONTACT Required object Contact


Name Required Type Description
NAME Required string Contact name


Name Required Type Description
DOCPARID Optional string Transaction definition that will use this email template. Applicable only for Order Entry, Purchasing, and Contract email templates.
EMAILTEMPLATENAME Required string Name of the email template

Create Customer (Legacy)

Release Changes
2021 Release 3 Behavior changes (see the release notes)
2020 Release 2 Added retainagepercentage


    <name>Volume Reseller</name>
        <contactname>Bill Jones</contactname>
            <contactname>Volume Reseller(CC1234)</contactname>
            <printas>Volume Reseller</printas>
Name Required Type Description
customerid Required string Unique ID for the customer. Required if company does not use document sequencing, or you can provide a value to use instead of the document sequence value.
name Required string Name
parentid Optional string Parent customer ID
termname Optional string Payment term
custrepid Optional string Sales rep employee ID
shippingmethod Optional string Shipping method
custtype Optional string Customer type ID
taxid Optional string Tax ID
creditlimit Optional currency Credit limit
retainagepercentage Optional numeric Default retainage percentage for customers (Construction or Projects subscription).
territoryid Optional string Territory ID
resaleno Optional string Resale number
deliveryoptions Optional object Delivery method
accountlabel Optional string GL account label
glaccountno Optional string Default AR GL account number
glgroup Optional string GL group name
onhold Optional boolean On hold. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
comments Optional string Comments
status Optional string Status. Use active for Active or inactive for Inactive (Default: active)
currency Optional string Default currency code
primary Optional object Primary contact. If blank system will use the corresponding contactinfo.
billto Optional object Ship to contact. If blank system will use the corresponding contactinfo.
shipto Optional object Return to contact. If blank system will use the corresponding contactinfo.
contactinfo Optional object Contact info.
contactlist Optional contactitem[0...n] Contact list
vsoepricelist Optional String Name of a vendor-specific Order Entry price list
customfields Optional customfield[0...n] Custom fields
visibility Optional object Restrictions
supdocid Optional string Attachments ID
offsetglaccountno Optional string Offset AR GL account number


Name Required Type Description
deliveryoption Required string Delivery method. Use either print, email, or both. If using E-Mail, the customer contact must have a valid e-mail address.


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Contact name of an existing contact


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Contact name of an existing contact


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Contact name of an existing contact


Name Required Type Description
contact Required object New contact to create corresponding with the customer


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Contact name
printas Required string Print as
taxable Optional boolean Taxable. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: true)
companyname Optional string Company name
taxgroup Optional string Contact tax group name
prefix Optional string Prefix
firstname Optional string First name
lastname Optional string Last name
initial Optional string Middle name
phone1 Optional string Primary phone number
phone2 Optional string Secondary phone number
cellphone Optional string Cellular phone number
pager Optional string Pager number
fax Optional string Fax number
email1 Optional string Primary email address
email2 Optional string Secondary email address
url1 Optional string Primary URL
url2 Optional string Secondary URL
status Optional string Status. Use active for Active or inactive for Inactive (Default: active)
mailaddress Optional object Mail address
taxid Optional string Tax ID
taxsolutionid Optional string Tax solution. Required if providing Tax Schedule
taxschedule Optional string You can assign a default tax schedule for a customer contact. When you create an AR transaction, the tax details from the assigned schedule are used as the default for the AR line entry. The tax details can be overridden through the UI


Name Required Type Description
address1 Optional string Address line 1
address2 Optional string Address line 2
address3 Optional string Address line 3
city Optional string City
state Optional string State/province
zip Optional string Zip/postal code
country Optional string Country
isocountrycode Optional string ISO country code. When ISO country codes are enabled in a company, both country and isocountrycode must be provided.
latitude Optional string Latitude
longitude Optional string Longitude


Name Required Type Description
customfieldname Optional string Custom field ID
customfieldvalue Optional varies Custom field value. For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


Name Required Type Description
category Required string Contact category, such as work, home, and so forth.
contactname Required string Contact name of an existing contact


Name Required Type Description
customfieldname Optional string Custom field ID
customfieldvalue Optional varies Custom field value. For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


visibility_type Required string Restriction type. Use Unrestricted, RootOnly, or Restricted. (Default Unrestricted)
restricted_locs Optional locationid[0...n] Restricted location IDs
restricted_depts Optional departmentid[0...n] Restricted department IDs

Update Customer

Release Changes
2021 Release 3 Added CUSTOMERCONTACTS (see the release notes)
2020 Release 3 Added EMAILOPTIN
2018 Release 1 Added ADVBILLBY and ADVBILLBYTYPE


Add a comment to a customer:

        <NAME>SaaS Company Inc</NAME>
            <PRINTAS>SaaS Company Inc</PRINTAS>
            <TAXSCHEDULE>US Purchase Goods Standard</TAXSCHEDULE>
                <ADDRESS1>300 Park Ave</ADDRESS1>
                <ADDRESS2>Ste 1400</ADDRESS2>
                <CITY>San Jose</CITY>
                <COUNTRY>United States</COUNTRY>
        <COMMENTS>my comment</COMMENTS>
            <CONTACTNAME>bill to</CONTACTNAME>
            <CONTACTNAME>ship to</CONTACTNAME>

Replace a previous email template selection by providing a different email template name for the given record number. Also add a new email template to the set:


Update a customer to delete the existing contact list:

Name Required Type Description
CUSTOMER Required object Object to update


Name Required Type Description
RECORDNO Optional integer Record number of customer to update. Required if not using customer ID.
CUSTOMERID Optional string Customer ID. Required if not using RECORDNO.
NAME Optional string Name
DISPLAYCONTACT Optional object Contact info
STATUS Optional string Status. Use active for Active or inactive for Inactive (Default: active)
ONETIME Optional boolean One time customer. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
HIDEDISPLAYCONTACT Optional boolean Exclude from contact list. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
CUSTTYPE Optional string Customer type ID
CUSTREPID Optional string Sales rep employee ID
PARENTID Optional string Parent customer ID
GLGROUP Optional string GL group name
TERRITORYID Optional string Territory ID
SUPDOCID Optional string Attachments ID
TERMNAME Optional string Payment term
OFFSETGLACCOUNTNO Optional string Offset AR GL account number
ARACCOUNT Optional string Default AR GL account number
SHIPPINGMETHOD Optional string Shipping method
RESALENO Optional string Resale number
TAXID Optional string Tax ID
CREDITLIMIT Optional currency Credit limit
RETAINAGEPERCENTAGE Optional numeric Default retainage percentage for customers (Construction or Projects subscription).
ONHOLD Optional boolean On hold. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false)
DELIVERY_OPTIONS Optional string Delivery method. Use either Print, E-Mail, or Print#~#E-Mail for both. If using E-Mail, the customer contact must have a valid e-mail address.
CUSTMESSAGEID Optional string Default invoice message
EMAILOPTIN Optional boolean Accept emailed invoices option. Use false for No, true for Yes. Applicable only for companies configured for South Africa (ZA) VAT.
COMMENTS Optional string Comments
CURRENCY Optional string Default currency code
ADVBILLBY Optional integer Bill in advance. Number of months or days before the start date. Use 0 through 9.
ADVBILLBYTYPE Optional string Bill-in-advance time period. Required if using bill in advance. Use days or months.
ARINVOICEPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - AR invoice template name
OEQUOTEPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE quote template name
OEORDERPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE order template name
OELISTPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE list template name
OEINVOICEPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE invoice template name
OEADJPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE adjustment template name
OEOTHERPRINTTEMPLATEID Optional string Print option - OE other template name
CONTACTINFO Optional object Primary contact
BILLTO Optional object Bill to contact. The system automatically appends a corresponding Bill to Contact to the contact list.
SHIPTO Optional object Ship to contact. The system automatically appends a corresponding Ship to Contact to the contact list.
CONTACT_LIST_INFO Optional CONTACT_LIST_INFO[] Contact list (alternative to CUSTOMERCONTACTS). Multiple individual CONTACT_LIST_INFO elements may be passed. If this parameter is omitted, the original contact list remains intact. If you supply new elements, these are appended to the list. Passing an empty CONTACT_LIST_INFO element deletes the contact list. If this parameter and CUSTOMERCONTACTS are both provided, CUSTOMERCONTACTS is used. If not provided and not already existing, any values supplied for other contacts (Primary, Bill to, or Ship to) are used to create a contact list.
CUSTOMERCONTACTS Optional CUSTOMERENTITYCONTACTS[0…n] Contact list (alternative to CONTACT_LIST_INFO). If this parameter is omitted, the original contact list remains intact. If you supply new elements, these are appended to the list. Passing an empty CUSTOMERCONTACTS element deletes the contact list. If this parameter and CONTACT_LIST_INFO are both provided, CUSTOMERCONTACTS is used. If not provided and not already existing, any values supplied for other contacts (Primary, Bill to, or Ship to) are used to create a contact list.
OBJECTRESTRICTION Optional object Restriction type. Use Unrestricted, RootOnly, or Restricted. (Default Unrestricted)
RESTRICTEDLOCATIONS Optional string Restricted location IDs. Use if OBJECTRESTRICTION is Restricted. Implode multiple IDs with #~#.
RESTRICTEDDEPARTMENTS Optional string Restricted department IDs. Use if OBJECTRESTRICTION is Restricted. Implode multiple IDs with #~#.
CUSTOMEREMAILTEMPLATES Optional CUSTOMEREMAILTEMPLATE[1..n] Custom email templates to override the default email templates associated with transaction definitions. You choose existing custom email templates to use for this customer, optionally specifying the transactions to which they apply.
Custom field name varies varies Custom field names and values as defined for this object.
For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


Name Required Type Description
PRINTAS Optional string Print as
COMPANYNAME Optional string Company name
TAXABLE Optional boolean Taxable. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: true)
TAXGROUP Optional string Contact tax group name
TAXSCHEDULE Optional string You can assign a default tax schedule for a customer contact. When you create an AR transaction, the tax details from the assigned schedule are used as the default for the AR line entry. The tax details can be overridden through the UI
TAXSOLUTIONID Optional string Tax solution. Required if providing Tax Schedule
PREFIX Optional string Prefix
FIRSTNAME Optional string First name
LASTNAME Optional string Last name
INITIAL Optional string Middle name
PHONE1 Optional string Primary phone number
PHONE2 Optional string Secondary phone number
CELLPHONE Optional string Cellular phone number
PAGER Optional string Pager number
FAX Optional string Fax number
EMAIL1 Optional string Primary email address
EMAIL2 Optional string Secondary email address
URL1 Optional string Primary URL
URL2 Optional string Secondary URL
MAILADDRESS Optional object Mail address


Name Required Type Description
ADDRESS1 Optional string Address line 1
ADDRESS2 Optional string Address line 2
ADDRESS3 Optional string Address line 3
CITY Optional string City
STATE Optional string State/province
ZIP Optional string Zip/postal code
COUNTRY Optional string Country
ISOCOUNTRYCODE Optional string ISO country code. When ISO country codes are enabled in a company, both COUNTRY and ISOCOUNTRYCODE must be provided.


Name Required Type Description
CONTACTNAME Required string Primary contact name


Name Required Type Description
CONTACTNAME Required string Bill to contact name


Name Required Type Description
CONTACTNAME Required string Ship to contact name


Name Required Type Description
CATEGORYNAME Required string Contact category, such as work, home, and so forth.
CONTACT Optional object Category


If the category and contact name you provide for a contact matches one already in the contact list, your entry is skipped.

Name Required Type Description
CATEGORYNAME Required string Contact category, such as work, home, and so forth.
CONTACT Required object Contact


Name Required Type Description
NAME Required string Contact name


Name Required Type Description
RECORDNO Optional numeric Required if updating an existing customer email template selection (a custom email template and optional corresponding transaction definition previously designated for this customer). You can specify a different email template by name, or you can specify a different transaction definition for the current email template, or both. The record number remains unchanged.
EMAILTEMPLATENAME Optional string Required if not providing a record number. Name of an email template.
DOCPARID Optional string Transaction definition that will use this email template. Applicable only for Order Entry, Purchasing, and Contract email templates.

Update Customer (Legacy)

Release Changes
2021 Release 3 Behavior changes (see the release notes)
2020 Release 2 Added retainagepercentage


<update_customer customerid="C1234">
    <name>Volume Reseller(CC1234)</name>
Name Required Type Description
customerid Required string Customer ID to update
name Optional string Name
parentid Optional string Parent customer ID
termname Optional string Payment term
custrepid Optional string Sales rep employee ID
shippingmethod Optional string Shipping method
custtype Optional string Customer type ID
taxid Optional string Tax ID
creditlimit Optional currency Credit limit
retainagepercentage Optional numeric Default retainage percentage for customers (Construction or Projects subscription).
territoryid Optional string Territory ID
resaleno Optional string Resale number
deliveryoptions Optional object Delivery method
accountlabel Optional string GL account label
glaccountno Optional string Default AR GL account number
glgroup Optional string GL group name
onhold Optional boolean On hold. Use false for No, true for Yes.
comments Optional string Comments
status Optional string Status. Use active for Active or inactive for Inactive.
currency Optional string Default currency code
primary Optional object Primary contact. If blank system will use the corresponding contactinfo.
billto Optional object Bill to contact. If blank system will use the corresponding contactinfo.
shipto Optional object Return to contact. If blank system will use the corresponding contactinfo.
contactinfo Optional object Contact info.
contactlist Optional contactitem[0...n] Contact list. If not provided and not already existing, any values supplied for other contacts (Primary, Bill to, or Ship to) are used to create a contact list.
vsoepricelist Optional String Name of a vendor-specific Order Entry price list
customfields Optional varies Custom fields
visibility Optional object Restrictions
supdocid Optional string Attachments ID
offsetglaccountno Optional string Offset AR GL account number


Name Required Type Description
deliveryoption Required string Delivery method. Use either print, email, or both. If using E-Mail, the customer contact must have a valid e-mail address.


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Contact name of an existing contact. The system automatically provides a corresponding Primary Contact in the first row of the Contact list, overwriting existing data (if present).


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Contact name of an existing contact. The system automatically appends a corresponding Bill to Contact to the contact list.


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Contact name of an existing contact. The system automatically appends a corresponding Ship to Contact to the contact list.


Name Required Type Description
contact Required object New contact to create corresponding with the customer


Name Required Type Description
contactname Required string Contact name
printas Required string Print as
taxable Optional boolean Taxable. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: true)
companyname Optional string Company name
taxgroup Optional string Contact tax group name
prefix Optional string Prefix
firstname Optional string First name
lastname Optional string Last name
initial Optional string Middle name
phone1 Optional string Primary phone number
phone2 Optional string Secondary phone number
cellphone Optional string Cellular phone number
pager Optional string Pager number
fax Optional string Fax number
email1 Optional string Primary email address
email2 Optional string Secondary email address
url1 Optional string Primary URL
url2 Optional string Secondary URL
status Optional string Status. Use active for Active or inactive for Inactive (Default: active)
mailaddress Optional object Mail address
taxid Optional string Tax ID
taxsolutionid Optional string Tax solution. Required if providing Tax Schedule
taxschedule Optional string You can assign a default tax schedule for a customer contact. When you create an AR transaction, the tax details from the assigned schedule are used as the default for the AR line entry. The tax details can be overridden through the UI


Name Required Type Description
address1 Optional string Address line 1
address2 Optional string Address line 2
address3 Optional string Address line 3
city Optional string City
state Optional string State/province
zip Optional string Zip/postal code
country Optional string Country
isocountrycode Optional string ISO country code. When ISO country codes are enabled in a company, both country and isocountrycode must be provided.
latitude Optional string Latitude
longitude Optional string Longitude


Name Required Type Description
category Required string Contact category, such as work, home, and so forth.
contactname Required string Contact name of an existing contact


Name Required Type Description
customfieldname Optional string Custom field ID
customfieldvalue Optional varies Custom field value. For a multi-pick-list custom field, implode multiple field values with #~#.


visibility_type Required string Restriction type. Use Unrestricted, RootOnly, or Restricted. (Default Unrestricted)
restricted_locs Optional locationid[0...n] Restricted location IDs
restricted_depts Optional departmentid[0...n] Restricted department IDs

Delete Customer


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMER
keys Required string Comma-separated list of customer RECORDNO to delete

Delete Customer (Legacy)


<delete_customer customerid="C1234"></delete_customer>
Name Required Type Description
customerid Required string Customer ID to delete

Customer Email Templates

Get Customer Email Template Object Definition


List all the fields and relationships for the customer email template object:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMEREMAILTEMPLATE

Query and List Customer Email Templates


List the template name and customer ID for each customer email template:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMEREMAILTEMPLATE
filter Optional object Filter expression to limit the response to only objects that match the expression. Check the value of a single field using operators such as equalto/like, or multiple fields using and/or. Query fields on related objects using the dot operator (for example, VENDOR.CREDITLIMIT on APBILL).
select Required sequence The names of the fields that you want included in the response, and an optional aggregate function such as count or sum. Returning all fields is not supported.
orderby Optional object Provide an order element with a field name and choose an ascending or descending sort order, for example:
options Optional object Query options:
  • Set the caseinsensitive element to true for a case-insensitive query
  • In a multi-entity company, set the showprivate element to true to query data in private entities:
  • Specify the returnformat for the response: xml (default), json, or csv
pagesize Optional integer Maximum number of matching objects to return in the response, between 1 and 2000 items (Default: 100)
offset Optional integer Point at which to start indexing into records (Default: 0)

Query and List Customer Email Templates (Legacy)


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMEREMAILTEMPLATE
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
query Required string SQL-like query based on fields on the object. The following operators are supported: <, >, >=, <=, =, like, not like, in, not in, IS NOT NULL, IS NULL, AND, OR. Illegal XML characters must be properly encoded, and single quotes must be escaped with backslashes ('Jane\'s Deli'). Joins are not supported.
pagesize Optional integer Custom page size between 1 and 1000 items (Default: 100)

Get Customer Email Template


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMEREMAILTEMPLATE
keys Required string Comma-separated list of customer email template RECORDNO to get.
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Get Customer Email Template by ID


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMEREMAILTEMPLATE
keys Required string Comma-separated list of customer email template RECORDNO to get.
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

Customer Visibility

Get Customer Visibility Object Definition


List all the fields and relationships for the customer visibility object:

Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMERVISIBILITY

Get Customer Visibility


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use CUSTOMERVISIBILITY
keys Required string Comma-separated list of customer visibility RECORDNO to get
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

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