Customer bank accounts are used in AR Payment Services.

Important: The customer bank account object and its supported functions will be deprecated in 2025 Release 4.

Create Customer Bank Account (Legacy)


    <accounttype>Business Checking Account</accounttype>
    <bankname>Bank of Intacct</bankname>
    <accountholder>My customer XYZ</accountholder>


Name Required Type Description
customerid Required string Customer ID
accountnumber Required string Bank account number
routingnumber Required string Routing number
accounttype Required string Bank account type. Use Business Checking Account, Personal Checking Account, or Personal Savings Account
bankname Required string Bank name
accountholder Required string Account holder
description Optional string Description
status Optional string Status. Use active for Active otherwise use inactive for Inactive (Default: active)
mailaddress Optional object Mail address
defaultaccount Optional boolean Default bank account. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: true)


Name Required Type Description
address1 Optional string Address line 1
address2 Optional string Address line 2
address3 Optional string Address line 3
city Optional string City
state Optional string State/province
zip Optional string Zip/postal code
country Optional string Country
isocountrycode Optional string ISO country code. When ISO country codes are enabled in a company, both country and isocountrycode must be provided.

Update Customer Bank Account (Legacy)


<update_customerbankaccount recordno="123">
    <accountholder>My customer XYZ</accountholder>
    <description>hello world</description>


Name Required Type Description
recordno Required integer Record number of customer bank account
accountholder Optional string Account holder
description Optional string Description
status Optional string Status. Use active for Active otherwise use inactive for Inactive.
mailaddress Optional object Mail address
defaultaccount Optional boolean Default bank account. Use false for No, true for Yes.


Name Required Type Description
address1 Optional string Address line 1
address2 Optional string Address line 2
address3 Optional string Address line 3
city Optional string City
state Optional string State/province
zip Optional string Zip/postal code
country Optional string Country
isocountrycode Optional string ISO country code. When ISO country codes are enabled in a company, both country and isocountrycode must be provided.

Delete Customer Bank Account (Legacy)


<delete_customerbankaccount recordno="123" />


Name Required Type Description
recordno Required integer Record number of customer bank account

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